galactic design. fritz roth

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galactic design - fritz roth

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      if you are going on a space mission

      you have to be careful about your stores and you should behave ... so nobody can have any objection about so you will not create any suicide bombers > to end your voyage the same goes for any planet !

      the meaning of a human life

      is to work out a decent way of life realize it > live it > guarantee it for all ! because only then .... you are a human being ! and therefore there is no meaning here on this world ! as there is no human order because humans want to live decently can be > must be ! otherwise they will be dissatisfied with themselves until they can live as humans ! so to achieve this > the meaning in life of each person is to make just this happen ! until then ... they feel like losers indeed they are .... in reality ! only by their conceit procurement this is presented as a success coming to such perverse ideas like to enslave others they condemn to forced labor working to create > the upturn in delusions ! walk around with trained predators make their children to .... wolf children ! produce all these artifices > all these arts because the reality ... their existence being so unbearable ! and they measured against this delusional insanity this reality can not improve > may > want to ! otherwise they will be excluded and may no longer be helping >>> squander their planetary resources flip their climate > contaminate their environment ! meaning ... the final victory over every intelligent life ! reminded that they may not represent any homo sapiens way of life that they have failed .... all of them ! which consequently will lose not only their best potentials but will lose their whole world ! before the universe is blinking with the eye ... only if these masses of insanity would understand that they should go to improve the reality not their insanity would a continued existence on this world be secured !

      a theory of slavery

      a free society can never work long as any one with any inteligence can plainly see ! any time he will be looking at this world ! because if any idiot > can be any idiot > any idiocracy then the population can only fail > soon after ! if the darwinian selction are in place if any dodo can be bragging about what kind of nusiance he can be ! at the future > at any humans demise the end can be predicted > as any one can see clearly and any idiot will know > there will be > freak outs and no one can stop them since the whole thing is an afront to any humanity ! to any higher inteligence so ...... galactic design ....... should be for humans not for frustrating them .... until they are fighting back ! the right nurishment .... and enough rest is the key to a heathy population ! and only a heathy human ... will have a heathy mind ..... having the capacity to design a future for all eternity !

      climate ...

      some say > there is no bad weather only bad clothing .... as well we need > at - 20 ° C on over house !


so lots of insulation under the roof > 20cm ... 8" then on the south side a piece of flat roof then a steep solar window the whole length of the house to catch the most solar radiation in winter .... and down to the ground 4m ... 12' around the inner house from the base building an over house! where a in between climate prevails > therefore never below 5 ° C and not more than 30 ° C then the house itself > always 15 ° C even in the bathroom through the bio gas boiler 25 ° C in such an over house any thing can grow and the human can work > always ! meaning bicycle repairs > the construction of boats etc with out any heating ... cooling as well ... because of the etfe window there are always enough uvb rays for vitamins D ! in my example here > I then have from the sun in january at 100m ² solar window 50kw heating power and geo thermal > constantly about 10kw + > from the 200m ² ground and the geo ventilation 2x > 1x in the over house + 1x in the home itself ..... yet many more kw ! then subsequently we can here .... live .....

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