Vampires. Horrors. Svetlana Mirrai

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Vampires. Horrors - Svetlana Mirrai

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      Mystical stories

      Svetlana Mirrai

      © Svetlana Mirrai, 2023

      ISBN 978-5-0056-2011-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Stories of an abandoned house

      In the depths of the dense forest there was an old abandoned house. You can’t even imagine how many travelers he has let in for the night during his long life. All the stories told and what happened to these people are now kept by its walls. And if you can hear what they are whispering about, then you can learn a lot of different interesting stories.

      Once in this house there were two mushroom pickers Ivan and Sergey, they came to take shelter from the bad weather and the coming twilight.

      Sergey was an enthusiastic person, he was engaged in «extrasensory», bioenergetics and yoga, and he also knew how to see ghosts and read energy wherever he was.

      – How good that there is an abandoned house in this place, – Ivan said contentedly, passing into the living room, of course, if it was possible to call it that.

      – Is it bad or good, let’s see… you know, Vanya, there are different houses. You feel comfortable in one house, but you just want to run away from the other, and as soon as possible and it doesn’t matter where.

      Ivan looked at his friend from under his brows and said:

      «Whether you like it or not, we’re going to have to stay here until tomorrow morning. So we settle down here, have dinner and go to bed…

      Friends lit a small fire near the house, boiled water on the fire. Sergey took the stew out of his backpack, cookies and tea leaves. They lit a candle that they found in the room and sat down at the dinner table, when they ate in silence, Ivan said:

      – Well, Serega, I do not know about you, but I went to bed.

      – No, I’m going to sit a little longer, I want to listen to the walls, in case they tell me something interesting. When else would such an opportunity present itself, to sit in such a house.

      – Well, look for yourself, shaman if you want, and I’ll go lie down. Get up early tomorrow morning, you need to sleep…

      Ivan lay down in the farthest corner on the unfolded mattresses that were lying instead of a bed.

      Sergei remained sitting in front of the candle. And suddenly, before his eyes, as if he was in a movie theater, pictures began to scroll. After a few minutes he came to his senses and cried out:

      – You should know about it! Listen to what I’m going to tell you now.

      Ivan stirred in his corner, he hadn’t had time to fall asleep yet.

      – Well, what do you have there, okay, let’s spit it out…

      Baba Yaga

      – Dimochka, we are still lost with you – - Anya said softly, preparing to pout her tiny lips and cry. – There was no need to go so far from home for strawberries.

      The girl was five years younger than her brother.

      – Let’s walk straight along the path again, then we will understand whether we are lost or not – - the brother replied in a firm voice.

      Dima always felt responsible for his younger sister and played the role of the main and strong in front of her…

      «Whatever you say,» Anya replied and sighed heavily, looking at him from under her brows.

      She loved Dimka very much and always told her friends what a smart and strong brother she had. «I have the best one on earth!»

      The two of them walked a little further into the depths of the forest. Then we rested on a tree lying on the ground, got up and walked further along the winding path. But the forest did not end, but on the contrary became thicker and thicker. Anya began to cry and beg for her mother. But suddenly, a hunched figure was walking towards them among the trees to meet them.

      – Auntie, we’re here! We are lost, please take us home,» they shouted with all their might.

      The woman heard the children, quickened her pace and now she is already next to them.

      – Hi kids! Lost, my sweet. Well, come with me, I’ll feed you and give you a drink.

      The children were delighted, Anechka jumped up with happiness.

      – Will you be a forest fairy? – she asked happily.

      – Yes, she’s almost a girl, – the woman grinned and twisted her toothless mouth into a malicious smile.

      – Will you take us home later? Dima was worried.

      – I’ll take the bunnies, where will I go, – she replied – - follow me.

      Dima immediately calmed down and boldly followed the strange woman who lived in the depths of the dense forest.

      They did not walk for a long time along the winding path one after the other. And soon a small, crooked hut appeared in the middle of the forest. The house reminded the children of a hut on chicken legs, such as they saw in pictures in fairy tales.

      – And where did the chicken legs go? «Are they hiding?» asked Anya in a ringing voice.

      – What… What… «Didn’t you understand?» the woman asked and looked at Anya in surprise.

      – Don’t pay attention, she’s still small, – her brother intervened in their conversation.

      The three of them entered the house. The atmosphere in it was gloomy and poor. In the living room there was a small wooden table with stools and a huge stove. There was a vase of red apples on the table.

      Anya ran up to her and was about to take an apple for herself, but the woman objected:

      – Take your time girl, I have prepared a completely different treat for you!

      The girl took her little hand away from the big, liquid apple that she had been dreaming of biting off, looked at her brother in frustration and pouted her small, plump lips again.

      «Shh, don’t you dare cry,» my brother whispered.

      The girl obediently nodded and silently hid behind his back.

      – Well, my little bunnies, let’s go, now I’ll take you to the guest room, – the woman said affectionately and began to laugh strangely.

      She went through the living room and opened the door, which led to a gloomy little room, from where the smell of rot and dampness came.

      – Bunnies come in, leave your dirty clothes, and look for something to change into in the closet, as soon as you’re ready, come, I’ll feed you dinner.

      The children went into this room. The woman laughed loudly after them again and slammed the door, locked it.

      «What a delicious lunch is waiting for me soon – » she giggled merrily and walked away from the door.

      Anya, oddly enough, did not even cry, she just sat down on a stool and quietly asked.

      – She’s a real baba Yaga, right?

      – No, you’re a sister. Baba Yaga happens only in fairy tales. And now sit on the stool quietly, I’ll look around the whole room,» Dima said quietly.

      There was a spoon, a knife and a metal bowl on the table, in which there were two dried pieces of black bread. There was still a jug. Dima looked into it there was water, but the smell came from it very unpleasant.

      There was no bed in the room, there were rags lying around and someone’s old coat was also lying in the corner.

      «Don’t worry, dear sister, we won’t be lost… everything will be fine,» Dima whispered softly, and began to study the gloomy room.

      The house was old, and the boards in it were very rotten in places. Dima looked around the room and realized that there could be a tunnel in one place, the boards were especially

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