In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing. Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

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In resonance with cosmic energies: terrorism and marketing - Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

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systematically studying the human changes in the process of practical, as well as industrial, activity, considering the factors of cosmic activity.

       The essence of the obtained scientific results is in a definite consequence: it is impossible to understand the development of mankind and Russia without considering the cosmic energy factor in a scientific analysis.

      Sometimes, at websites a number of visitors and buyers sharply increases, and sometimes sharply drops. Unexpected data: this depends on the Earth’s rotational velocity, on the change in the sign of the acceleration of its rotation. This involves a change in psyche of people.

      To understand the essence of such dependencies is difficult without accepting the idea of cosmic ether and its influence on all living things.

      There are three mechanisms for changing the density of the etheric medium in which Earth is located:

      1. Change in the speed of movement of Earth in space with a constant density of the ether. The Earth's velocity increases cyclically from aphelion to perihelion, where it reaches a maximum, and then decreases to aphelion. In addition to the speed of Earth affects the change in its position relative to other planets of the solar system, the force of gravity. The greater the speed of Earth – the more ether passes through humanity, and the planet itself slows down its rotation. The indicator of these changes is the length of Earth day (LOD – length of a day), the change of which is measured in milliseconds. The greater the density of the ether surrounding Earth, the greater is the LOD.

      2. Change in the density of the cosmic ether into which the solar system enters. In this case, not only does the Earth's rotational velocity slow down, but also the speed of the flight of the solar system. A sign of this is the increase or decrease in LOD from year to year.

      3. "Resonances" between planets that perturb the ether with their rotation, oscillations. When Earth passes through these vortices, it falls under the additional movement of the ether.

      If, for some reason, the adoption of these provisions for the initial meets internal resistance, then you can get acquainted with all the previous work of the scientific centers "Biryuch" and "Bamkon" 2015, 2016, 2017.

      If this does not dispel doubts, then you can consider the opinion of A. Poincare: there is no ether, but everything happens as if it is.

      If this psychiatric method does not help, then everything can be explained by the ingress of Earth into denser layers of baryonic matter. Opinion from solid, recognized scientific work: "For the first time in Russia, according to ground-based measurements, an acoustic-gravity signal with a maximum amplitude of 45 dN/cm squared is presumably from an explosion in the atmosphere of the Vitim bolide on September 24, 2002 at a distance of 4000 km from the source. In this case, plausible values of the direction and velocity of signal propagation were obtained. The analysis of this event confirms the facts obtained earlier that bright bolides of a large mass can create powerful pulsed radiation of acoustic-gravitational waves in the Earth's atmosphere, which can be fixed by microbarographs at a distance of several thousand kilometers. Note that the acoustical-gravity signal from the explosion of the car in this frequency range (from 0.0001 to 1 Hz) was recorded for the first time in the world, which was noted in the works of ReVelle, 2004; Edwards et al., 2006 ". [Kasatkina E.A., 2016, p. 143].

      Gravitational energy when the substance gets into our atmosphere increases. And it actively influences the growth of trees. And their growth is connected with the development of mankind. That's it!

      In classical science, experimental data have appeared that allow us to link the development of mankind, our nature with gravity-spin energies.

      So we can assume that both there is the ether, and there is not exist, but there is simply a tiny baryonic substance. In this most important point of our analysis, the conclusions of the representatives of classical and new physics converge. And psychologists and sociologists do not need more.

      But with the involvement of the conclusions of ether-dynamics it is easier to understand the logic of reasoning, to remember the available statistics, to apply the methods available in this field more creatively. We develop faster when the density of the cosmic ether increases.

      Chapter 1. Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection

      The figure shows the value change over time for the 1900 – 2000 period. The axis of ordinates in these figures is given in units (see V.D. Kokurov).

      The graphs of the Earth's rotational velocity are mirror-like to the graphs of the length of day – LOD. LOD is measured highly accurately and placed at the websites of laboratories around the world.

      Average by day:

      Let us combine them with the well-known graphs of economists.

      All fundamental economic and socio-political processes are visually related to these graphs.

      The system of such graphs has been obtained for different countries and for different economic and financial indicators. It leaves no doubt that the Earth's rotational velocity reflects powerful cosmic energies.

      They affect economic processes on Earth, and are also related to the intensity of isotope decay. Scientists of the Brookhaven laboratory in the United States have discovered the annual periodicity of the decay process of silicon isotopes. It is correlated to the value, where is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. At the same time, it is an indicator of the Earth's orbital movement velocity. In winter, at perihelion, it is maximal (the distance to the Sun is minimal), whereas in summer, in aphelion, it is minimal. With the change of the Earth's orbital movement velocity its axial rotational velocity also changes.

      См.:: JereH. Jenkins, EphraimFischbach, JohnB. Buncher, JohnT. Gruenwald, DennisE. KrauseandJoshuaJ. Mattes, «EvidenceforCorrelationsBetweenNuclearDecayRatesandEarth-SunDistance» (arXiv:0808.3283v1 [astro-ph]).

      Solar activity is a concrete manifestation of cosmic energies. There are profound works in this field.

      Time evolution

      (a) the variations of magnetic flux at the bottom (tachocline zone) of the Sun convective zone (see Dikpati, G. de Toma, and P. A. Gilman, 2008);

      (b) fractional change in female breast cancer mortality (see: Juckett David A., 2009);

      (c) fractional change in female breast cancer mortality for birth cohort in UK (see: Juckett David A., 2009);

      (d) geomagnetic field secular variations (Y-component, nT/year) as observed at the Eskdalemuir observatory (England) (see: annual_means.shtml), where the variations (gY/gt) are directly proportional to the westward drift of magnetic features;

      (e) Malignant brain tumor (brain stem) (see: Legler Julie M., 1999) ;

      (f) the number of deaths from ICD9 item n 191 Malignant neoplasm of brain (see: Pechholdova M., 2008);

      (g) Brain lymphoma incidences in US;

      (h) the mortality rates from infectious diseases (incl. Tuberculosis) at ages 15 – 34 in France (see: Mesle F., 2006);

      The curves (a) and (b) are smoothed by the sliding intervals of 5 and 11 years.

      Such an integral indicator as the GDP

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