Night Light. Amy Blankenship

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Night Light - Amy Blankenship

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the window still steaming. How dare Quinn hint that girls shouldn’t be involved? They could keep Alicia out of it if they wanted, and they probably should with her being younger than any of them. But if they dared to try and stop her, then they were in for a huge surprise. The problem was, now she was also worried about Micah.

      Quinn should have just pushed everything to the wayside and called them. He knew they would’ve helped despite their differences. So what if their fathers had killed each other… the sins of the fathers should not fall to their children.

      Though she didn’t know it, Warren silently agreed with Kat. Quinn should have contacted them the moment Micah came up missing. He was well aware of the explosive arguments the brothers could have with each other. The disagreements would usually end with Micah storming out and disappearing for days at a time… but not weeks.

      Steven and Nick had stayed in touch over the years and Nick kept him up to date on the cougar family. When Micah and Quinn fought, Micah would always tell Steven where he was going if he was going to stay gone more then a day. This time Micah hadn’t left a message with anyone, meaning he wasn’t going to be gone that long.

      â€œAfter the dangerous vampire nest Steven and I found at the church, no one needs to go out alone tonight. We need to pair up,” Quinn said changing the subject.

      Steven felt odd when the image of the girl he’d found and lost that night flashed through his mind. “I think I’ll head back over there tonight and make sure the church is still clean. We could have missed something.”

      â€œI’ll go with Steven,” Nick offered wanting to spend time with his old mischief-making partner.

      Kat felt a moment of panic as she silently did the math. Michael would no doubt go with Kane, and she really didn’t want to team up with Kane anyway because he was far from stable. That left Warren and Quinn.

      â€œI’ll go with Warren,” Kat offered.

      â€œNo,” Warren corrected her. “We need someone to watch the club.”

      â€œJust because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I can’t hold my own,” Kat warned them, then calmly walked out of the room.

      All the men in the room cringed when she softly closed the door behind her.

      â€œDamn,” Nick whispered. “I almost wish she’d slammed the door.”

      Steven and Quinn hadn’t seen Kat in a few years but they could remember her temper extremely well. A softly closing door behind an angry Kat was ten times worse than storming out. She was angry… no, she was well beyond the angry point. She was pissed.

      â€œI’m going to call Devon and fill him in on what’s happening,” Warren stated and pulled the cell phone from his front pants pocket. He hated to do this to his brother but if he didn’t get his ass home he might not have much of one to come back to. Pressing a number on the speed dial, he walked toward a different door leading to the adjoining bedroom.

      Warren waited while the phone on the other end of the call continued to ring. Finally he heard someone pick it up and a muttered curse followed immediately after.

      â€œWhat the hell do you want?” Devon asked sounding groggy but happy.

      Warren quickly conveyed what had happened since Devon and Envy’s departure not more than twenty-four hours prior.

      Devon sighed, “Damn, I leave town and everything goes to shit.”

      â€œI’ll give you a few days then you need to be home.” Warren said. “I also need you to do something for me during those few days.”

      â€œWhat’s that?” Devon asked sounding much more awake.

      â€œI need you to ask Kriss if he will assist us. Tell him Dean has already signed on but we’re probably going to need him, too. If you have to, get Envy to convince Tabatha that we need Kriss here because from what I hear, if she comes back then the fallen will follow.”

      â€œI’ll see what I can do,” Devon said. “Kriss is a strange one. He walks to his own beat, you know.”

      Warren nodded, “Reminds me of someone else I know.”

      Devon chuckled, “Okay big bro, I’m not making any promises though.”

      â€œI’ll see you in a few days.” Warren said and hung up the phone.


      Quinn noticed Kat in one of the surveillance monitors on the wall. Since everyone was waiting on Warren to finish his phone call, he stepped closer to the monitors like he was bored. Boredom was not what he felt when looking at Kat.

      He’d thought she was beautiful years ago, but he’d underestimated what she would become. Over the years, he had kept watch over Kat from a distance. He’d even hired spies to work here at Moon Dance and report back to him… though the last one he’d sent wound up as one of the latest murder victims.

      He tensed when a guy walked straight up to where Kat was standing behind the bar and reached for her arm. With the camera angled perfectly, Quinn could tell the guy wasn’t in a friendly mood.


      Trevor strode into Moon Dance not knowing if he wanted to tear the place apart or drown his anger in a couple gallons of alcohol. He’d tried to contact Envy but she was obviously hiding from him. Tabatha and Kriss were probably screening their calls right along with her. When he’d asked the all-knowing brother where the hell Envy was, he’d wanted to rip Chad’s head off for being so vague about her location.

      Trevor spotted Kat serving drinks behind the same bar where she always worked. He reached out and gripped her arm to get her attention but the look she swung toward him had him backing off and taking a seat.

      â€œThe special on tasers has ended. Can I get you something else? Like a life time membership to one of the other bars?” Kat batted her eyelashes at him innocently. Finally looking him in the eyes and seeing the misery swimming around there she shrugged, “Sorry, my true target is out of reach. What can I get you?”

      Trevor rubbed his temples with his fingertips. He’d be damned if he ever figured out the opposite sex. It wasn’t like they made it easy. “Some answers would be nice.”

      â€œLike?” Kat prompted.

      â€œLike where my girlfriend is hiding.” There was a slight raise of an eyebrow as he waited.

      â€œYour girlfriend? Did you replace Envy that fast?” Kat smirked when his gaze turned into a silent glare. “Oh, you’re referring to Envy.”

      â€œYou think?” Trevor retorted sarcastically.

      â€œAll I know is that your ex-girlfriend and my brother took off on a type of honeymoon.” Kat shrugged knowing it was closer to the truth than Envy would think.

      â€œI thought she was with Tabatha and Kriss?” Trevor felt his blood pressure rise dangerously as he wondered if Chad had lied about that.

      Kat quickly poured him a shot of Heat hoping it would tame the anger that was flaring within his eyes. “She is. Tabby and Kriss are with them.” She slid the drink in front of him adding, “It’s on the house.”

      Watching him down the shot, her lips parted when she noticed the light above them reveal the unshed tears that were trying to gather in his eyes.

      Damn, that sucks. She instantly regretted being such an ass to him. She wished Quinn had felt that way about her. It would be nice if he could show some emotion regarding her or what she’d felt for him. Hell, she’d even be able to live with Quinn blowing her off,

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