Shadow Lane Volume 1 & 2: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume 1 & 2: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village - Eve Howard

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       Shadow Lane Volume 1 & 2

       The Romance of Discipline

       byEve Howard

      Shadow Lane Volume 1 & 2: The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex,

       B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village

      Copyright © 2009 by Eve Howard

       ISBN-13 978-1-926585-25-3

       Second Edition

      Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

       Howard, Eve, 1953-

       Shadow lane : volume 1 & 2 : the romance of discipline, spanking, sex, b&d and anal

       eroticism in a small New England village / written by Eve Howard – 2nd ed.

       ISBN 978-1-926585-25-3

       Electronic monograph in PDF format.

       Also available in print format.

       I. Title.

       PS3608.O82S53 2009a 813'.6 C2009-903092-6

      Cover artwork by Tarsis:

      Shadow Lane Volume 1 & 2 were originally published in episodic form in Shadow Lane and Stand Corrected magazines, Copyright © Shadow Lane, between 1987 and 1990. Blue Moon first edition published 1993, 1994 Copyright © Eve Howard.

      Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

      Extreme care has been taken to ensure that all information presented in this book is accurate and up to date at the time of publishing. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any errors or omissions. Additionally, neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America and the United Kingdom.

      Publisher: CCB Publishing

       British Columbia, Canada

       Dedicated to Steven, Bill and Dave

       William and Damaris

       Shadow Lane Volume 1

       The Romance of Discipline, Spanking, Sex, B&D and Anal Eroticism in a Small New England Village


       Chapter 5 – Warmest Wishes

       Chapter 6 – The Honeymoon Is Over

       Chapter 7 – Irresistible Force

      Laura felt that she and her younger sister had lingered too long on their walk. Shadows had begun to fall in the forest and soon it would be dark. Laura’s brow was wrinkled as she purposefully strode along, pulling Susan by the hand. The mischievous girl began to laugh at her serious sister.

      “What’s the matter, Laura?” Susan teased, “Afraid we might get spanked?”

      When Laura made no comment, Susan said, “I wish I had someone thrilling and masterful like William in my life!” Laura responded with a small smile. She put her arm about Susan’s slim waist as they walked. It was good to have a sister who shared one’s sexual proclivities.

      “Let’s stop at Hugo Sands’ house on the way!” Susan cried, breaking from Laura’s embrace with sudden excitement.

      “But that will make us late,” Laura protested, for her husband liked dinner served promptly.

      “Not if we only stay for a minute. I want to tell Hugo I’m leaving for art school tomorrow,” Susan pressed.

      “Then visit him after dinner, alone.”

      “Laura, you know he’s never happy unless you’re there too.”

      “Don’t say that!” Laura pulled her sweater tightly about her against the early autumn chill.

      “Please, Laura,” Susan persisted, “let’s stop. You know what it would mean to me to see Hugo before I left. I have the most brutal crush on him.”

      “Susan, you’re not going to college in Nepal. You can visit Hugo whenever you like.”

      “Laura, don’t be selfish. You know the only way I can please Hugo is by bringing you to him.”

      “Susan, you’re going to get me in trouble with William!”

      “There’s his house. Come on, just for 10 minutes? Please?”

      Hugo Sands was a dealer in antiques, the publisher of an esoteric journal, and a figure of glamour in the tiny coastal village of Random Point.

      The door to his ivy draped, stone house was open and the girls found him in the wine cellar selecting libations. A little over forty, tall, blue-eyed and sandy haired, their host was a good looking, well spoken, sartorially correct, Harvard educated entrepreneur who, enjoying a good deal of leisure and financial ease, devoted much of his time to just playing.

      “So you’re off to college, are you?” Hugo looked Susan up and down critically, then chose a bottle. “We’ll take this upstairs and drink to your future academic successes.”

      “I’d rather drink to my future erotic excesses,” Susan replied.

      “I’ll look forward to reading your memoirs,” Hugo commented, though without much interest, as if Susan’s libido bored him.

      “Why don’t you help inspire them?” the petite blonde teased.

      “Susan, behave yourself!”

      “Why should I?”

      “Because if you don’t, I’ll spank you,” he threatened.


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