Hair Loss No More. Randolph Street

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Hair Loss No More - Randolph Street

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      Hair Loss No More

      Effective Ways To Treat Hair Loss

      By: Randolph Streete


       Publishers Notes


       Chapter 1- What Does Hair Represent?

       Chapter 2- Starting the Journey-Treating the Hair

       Chapter 3- Does it Work?

       Chapter 4- What to Expect after a Hair Transplant

       Chapter 5- Tips on Avoiding Hair Loss

       Chapter 6- Causes of Hair Loss

       Chapter 7- Diseases that Cause Hair Loss

       Chapter 8- How to Stop a Receding Hairline

       Chapter 9- Know Your Options

       Chapter 10- Hair Loss Treatments

       Chapter 11- Vitamins for Hair loss

       Chapter 12- Hair Products Specifically for Women

       Chapter 13- Summary and Conclusion

       About The Author

      Publishers Notes


      This publication is intended to provide helpful and informative material. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem or condition, nor is intended to replace the advice of a physician. No action should be taken solely on the contents of this book. Always consult your physician or qualified health-care professional on any matters regarding your health and before adopting any suggestions in this book or drawing inferences from it.

      The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, from the use or application of any contents of this book.

      Any and all product names referenced within this book are the trademarks of their respective owners. None of these owners have sponsored, authorized, endorsed, or approved this book.

      Always read all information provided by the manufacturers’ product labels before using their products. The author and publisher are not responsible for claims made by manufacturers.

      Kindle Edition 2013

      Manufactured in the United States of America


      This book is dedicated to my parents who encouraged me to keep on writing.

      Chapter 1- What Does Hair Represent?

      Throughout history, long, flowing hair has been a symbol of strength. This was true for many cultures, including the Scottish, the Norse, the Ancient Greeks, the Celts, the Mayans, and many others. Many major civilizations of Western Europe, Southern Europe, Africa, North America and South America have prized long hair as symbols of wealth, strength and beauty.

      Of course, there is the famous bible story of Samson – an invincible warrior whose secret was rooted his mane of lush long hair. History tells the story of how he was seduced by a woman who got him drunk, tricking him into telling the secret to his remarkable strength. As a result she cut his hair allowing him to be easily captured by the enemy.

      Today, long hair is associated with varying cultural movements rather than individual cultures or civilizations as recorded in the past. For example both the hippie and Goth movements, are defined by their long hair.

      In our general society, the length of a man's hair is not so important yet balding people still have feelings of great inadequacy. They somehow feel baldness is an unattractive quality. Many studies have shown that these feelings are unfounded, and vastly exaggerated as the feelings of inadequacy within the person who is bald, is far more burdensome than any weakened perception of them by others.

      It has been said by many that the hair is any person’s crowning glory, giving the conception that even if the general appearance of a person is not pretty or handsome; as long as they have long bouncing hair to flaunt, there is a level of sociable acceptance that compensates for the general appearance. This theory has driven many suffering from hair loss in the direction of spending vast amounts of money on hair treatment products and therapy. True or natural hair is one of the best recognizable assets of a person. Sometimes, it can even be linked to the person’s personality – how glossy and shiny the hair looks, shows how much one takes good care of themselves. However, this is not true in all instances. There are situations when a person loses their hair regardless of the extreme care taken to maintain it as the circumstance could be health related or hereditary. There are many people today who about suffering hair loss and hopefully this book will provide the vital information relating to the varying causes, possible solutions and treatment options available to treat your hair loss.

      Chapter 2- Starting the Journey-Treating the Hair

      What hair loss treatment can you use to help?

      Typically, when you want to have healthy hair, you always begin nurturing the one thing that holds the root of your desire; the scalp. The scalp is one of the most important aspects to consider when you are faced with any hair loss treatment specifically as the major problems associated with losing hair begins right at his point resulting from various scalp problems including dandruff and too much dryness.

      Remember, a healthy and clean scalp yields healthy hair follicles which are essential for growing hair. Of course, to attain and maintain a healthy scalp, you have to know exactly when your scalp is too clean or excessively dirty, and you should regularly wash and treat it accordingly using nutritional products. However, know your limits and don’t overdo it as excessive treatments and washing may result in the loss of more hair than nurturing the existing strands of hair. The use of scalp oil which is great for nurturing growing hair is recommended.

      If you have some time and extra bucks to spare for a hair spa and massage treatment, then go for it. The personnel at your local hair treatment spa knows exactly what hair treatment is “a must” for your scalp and hair as they are quite experienced with various hair types and should know the best options available to effectively treat and care for your hair. Their knowledge of the nutrients and minerals usually needed to help your scalp to recuperate from damage allows them to successfully treating your thinning hair.

      Loss or damage to hair can be caused by your shampoo and conditioner which may contain toxic chemicals that will tend to irritate your scalp causing loss of layers of

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