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       Revised Edition


       Tim Hannigan and Katherine Davidsen




       Pronunciation guide

       Basic grammar guide

       1. Greetings and Requests

       1.1 Greetings

       1.2 Asking a question

       1.3 Making a request

       1.4 How to reply

       1.5 Thank you

       1.6 I’m sorry

       1.7 What do you think?

       2. The Basics

       2.1 Numbers

       2.2 Telling time

       2.3 Days and weeks

       2.4 Months and years

       2.5 What does that sign say?

       2.6 Holidays

       3. Small Talk

       3.1 Introductions

       3.2 Pardon me, do you speak English?

       3.3 Starting/ending a conversation

       3.4 Chatting about the weather

       3.5 Hobbies

       3.6 Invitations

       3.7 Paying a compliment

       3.8 Intimate conversations

       3.9 Congratulations and condolences

       3.10 Arrangements

       3.11 Being the host(ess)

       3.12 Saying goodbye

       4. Eating Out

       4.1 At the restaurant

       4.2 Ordering

       4.3 The bill

       4.4 Complaints

       4.5 Paying a compliment

       4.6 The menu

       4.7 Drinks and dishes

       5. Getting Around

       5.1 Asking directions

       5.2 Traffic signs

       5.3 Rentting a car

       The parts of a car

       5.4 The gas/petrol station

       5.5 Breakdowns and repairs

       5.6 Motorcycles and bicycles

       The parts of a motorcycle/bicycle

       5.7 Getting a lift

       6. Traveling in Indonesia

       6.1 Modes of transportation

       6.2 Immigration and customs

       6.3 Luggage

       6.4 Buying a ticket

       6.5 Getting travel information

       7. Finding a Place to Stay

       7.1 Accommodations in Indonesia

       7.2 At the hotel

       7.3 Complaints

       7.4 Departure

       7.5 Camping

       8. Money Matters

       8.1 Changing money

       8.2 Settling the bill

       9. Mail, Phones and Internet

       9.1 Mail


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