Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
Читать онлайн книгу.chaêm 1 adj. [SV caàn] assiduous; to be hard-working, industrious: chaêm hoïc to be studious 2 v. to look after diligently; to take care of
chaêm boùn v. to cultivate
chaêm chuù adj. concentrated, attentive
chaêm lo v. to give one’s mind to something, to take care of
chaêm nom v. to look after, to take care of
chaên 1 n. (= meàn) blanket: ñaép chaên to cover oneself with a blanket; chaên boâng quilted blanket; truøm chaên to be a fence sitter 2 v. to tend [animals]: thaèng beù chaên traâu buffalo boy; ngheà chaên nuoâi cattle raising, animal husbandry
chaên chieáu v. to live as husband and wife; to make love; blanket and mat
chaên goái v, n.. to make love; to live as husband and wife; blanket and pillow
chaên nuoâi v. to breed, to raise
chaén 1 v. to stop, to bar: kính chaén gioù windshield; chaén nöôùc chaûy laïi to stop water running 2 n. [sort of] card game
chaün adj. [SV ngaàu] [of a number, amount] even [opp. leû]: soá chaün even number
chaën v. to stop, to block: caùi chaën giaáy paper weight; chaën ñöùng to stop, to hold up
chaêng 1 v. to stretch [string, rope], to spread [net löôùi], to hang: chaêng maøn muoãi to hang a mosquito net 2 adv. [final particle denoting doubt] it seems to me, I presume, I suspect: vaû chaêng besides
chaèng v. to tie up; to use [somebody else’s money, belongings]; to fasten
chaèng chòt adj. interlaced, intertwined
chaúng adv. (= khoâng, chaû) [SV baát] not to be, not to do [precedes main verb]
chaúng bao giôø adv. never
chaúng bao laâu adv. soon
chaúng boõ adv. not to be worthwhile
chaúng cöù adv. not necessarily, not only
chaúng haïn adv. for example, as an example, for instance, namely
chaúng qua adv. only, just, at most; actually speaking
chaúng thaø adv. it would be better, it would be preferable
chaëng n. stage, leg [of trip]; portion, section; range [of mountains]
chaép v. to join, to assemble: chaép noái to connect, to assemble, to join
chaét 1 n. great-grandchild: chaùu chaét offspring 2 v. to drain off, to decant
chaét boùp v. to be thrifty, to deny oneself [in terms of money]
chaët 1 v. to cut off, to amputate, to chop: chaët coå/chaët ñaàu to behead 2 adj. tight: chaët cheõ tightly; buoäc chaët to tie securely; ñoùng chaët to shut tight
chaâm 1 v. to light, to kindle, to ignite, to burn: chaâm thuoác huùt to light a cigarette 2 v. to pin, to needle
chaâm bieám v. to attack, to ridicule, to satirize
chaâm cheá v. (= chaâm chöôùc) to adjust, to be tolerant
chaâm chích v. to criticize
chaâm choïc v. to tease
chaâm chöôùc v. to be tolerant, to adjust
chaâm cöùu n., v. acupuncture
chaâm ngoân n. saying, precept
chaám 1 n. [SV ñieåm] dot, point, period 2 v. to put a dot, to select; to correct, to grade, to mark: chaám baøi thi to mark examination papers 3 v. to reach; to dip
chaàm chaäm adv. slowly: ñi chaàm chaäm to go slowly
chaäm adj. [SV trì] slow, halting
chaäm chaïp adj. [opp. nhanh] slow, late [opp. sôùm]: ñeán chaäm to be late, to arrive late
chaäm raõi adj. [of speech] slow and poised
chaäm tieán adj. underdeveloped, backward
chaäm treã adj. late, tardy
chaân 1 n. [SV tuùc] foot, leg [= caúng]; base: gaãy chaân to break one’s leg; queø chaân to be lame; baøn chaân foot; ñi chaân khoâng to go barefoot; chaân laám tay buøn to foil hard; chaân trôøi horizon; chaân vòt propeller 2 adj. R right, true, sincere (= thaät, thöïc) [opp. giaû]: chaân chính true, genuine, legitimate
chaân dung n. portrait
chaân giaù trò n. true value/worth
chaân lyù n. truth: tìm chaân lyù cho cuoäc soáng to find the truth in life
chaân taøi n. real talent
chaân tay n. limbs; follower, henchman
chaân thaønh adj. sincere, honest: chaân thaønh caûm ôn sincere thanks
chaân thaät adj. honest, frank
chaân tình n., adj. sincerity, heart-felt feelings; very sincere
chaân trôøi n. horizon
chaân töôùng n. true face, true identity
chaân öôùt chaân raùo adj. to be newly arrived
chaán v. R to shake; to vibrate: chaán ñoäng to shake up; ñòa chaán earthquake
chaán chænh v. to reorganize, to improve, to revamp
chaán höng v. to develop, to restore, to improve
chaán song n. bar; block
chaán thöông n. trauma, injured
chaàn v. to parboil, to blanch, to scald, to pour boiling water on
chaàn chöø adj. hesitant, undecided: ñi ngay khoâng neân chaàn chöø to go straight in without hesitation
chaån v. R to examine, to treat [medically]
chaån baàn v. to help the poor
chaån beänh v. to diagnose, to examine, to treat an illness
chaån ñoaùn v. to diagnose, to treat an illness
chaån maïch v. to feel the pulse, to check the nerves
chaån teá v. to bring relief to the needy
chaän v. to stop, to block; to obstruct: chaän laïi/chaän ñöùng to stop, to block
chaáp 1 v. to reproach, to bear a grudge; to give as an advantage 2 v. R to hold; to approve [application ñôn], R to manage, to execute; to accept
chaáp chính v. to assume governmental powers
chaáp haønh v., adj. to execute; executive
chaáp nhaän v. to accept, to approve, to admit
chaáp nhaát v. to be full of grudges, to resent
chaáp thuaän v. to accept, to agree to
chaäp 1 v. to join, to bring together, to fasten together 2 adj. moment, instant: chaäp chaø chaäp chöõng unstable
chaäp choaïng adv., adj., n. imperfectly; unsteady; twilight
chaäp chôøn v. to be flickering
chaäp chöõng adj. [of child] toddling
chaát 1 n. matter, material, substance; R disposition: chaát loûng liquid; chaát ñaëc solid; chaát khí gas; chaát noå explosive; vaät chaát matter, material; tö chaát character, aptitude; khoaùng chaát mineral 2 v. to pile up, to heap up: chaát ñoáng to pile up
chaát löôïng n. quality