Killer Green Tomatoes. Lynn Cahoon

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Killer Green Tomatoes - Lynn Cahoon

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      Killer Green Tomatoes

      Also by Lynn Cahoon

      The Farm-to-Fork Mysteries

      Who Moved My Goat Cheese?

      The Tourist Trap Mysteries

      Rockets’ Dead Glare

      Killer Party

      Hospitality and Homicide

      Tea Cups and Carnage

      Murder on Wheels

      Killer Run

      Dressed to Kill

      If the Shoe Kills

      Mission to Murder

      Guidebook to Murder

      The Cat Latimer Mysteries

      Of Murder and Men

      Fatality by Firelight

      A Story to Kill

      Killer Green Tomatoes

      A Farm-to-Fork Mystery

      Lynn Cahoon


      Kensington Publishing Corp.

      To the extent that the image or images on the cover of this book depict a person or persons, such person or persons are merely models, and are not intended to portray any character or characters featured in the book.

      LYRICAL UNDERGROUND BOOKS are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp.

      119 West 40th Street

      New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2018 by Lynn Cahoon

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

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      Lyrical Underground and Lyrical Underground logo Reg. US Pat. & TM Off.

      First Electronic Edition: July 2018

      eISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0383-6

      eISBN-10: 1-5161-0383-1

      First Print Edition: July 2018

      ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0384-3

      ISBN-10: 1-5161-0384-X

      Printed in the United States of America


      To my crazy family. When I say a variety of spices makes the best sauces, I think of all of you.


      Soups, stews, and sauces are all made better with a little heat, time to develop the seasonings, and a nice mixture of seasonings and ingredients. The same can be said for families. It’s the people who came into and out of my life over the past several years who have made me who I am. They also affect the products that come out of this author’s mind. There are too many of you to thank by name, but know you’re in my thoughts.

      Thank you to Kensington for building my cozy career and welcoming me to their family. I’d also like to thank my agent, Jill Marshal, for pushing me to do better with each draft.

      Chapter 1

      A good sauce is like a strong family. Mixing all the elements together in a hot pot, letting it steep and boil, gives you the deeper flavors. Flavors that make each ingredient more than what it was alone. And that family bonding stays with you forever. Even when the actual people are gone, random memories can hit at any time. Memories about settings, or laughter, or even food. Bits and pieces can be almost in our grasp, then float away as quickly as a puff of smoke. Today was one of those days.

      The aromas of three different sauces filled the kitchen of the County Seat and mixed together into a pleasant cacophony of the sweet, tangy, and tart. Angie Turner, head chef and co-owner, and the rest of her kitchen staff experimented with what might be Angie’s favorite summertime treat ever, fried green tomatoes. A dish she planned on elevating to be able to put the appetizer on the menu, just as soon as they found the right recipe. They’d been working on their recipes all morning, and it was almost time for the taste testing. Angie knew she was trying to create a memory from when her Nona had fried up tomatoes straight from the garden. But just because it was a vague and distant food memory didn’t mean it wasn’t worth pursuing.

      Angie grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and glanced at her team. They’d only been together about a month, but the chemistry was working. Nancy and Matt worked together on one dish, with Nancy clearly taking the lead and Matt following her directions like they were cooking for the White House. Angie wondered if there was a romance brewing between the two, and if so, if it would mess up her kitchen if it got serious or imploded.

      On the other side of the kitchen, Estebe Blackstone, her sous chef and second in command, walked Hope through the knife cuts. Hope was actually their dishwasher, but she was attending culinary school, so she jumped at any chance she got to actually cook. Angie watched as Hope practiced the chop she’d just been shown, then looked up at Estebe for guidance. This was the kind of kitchen she’d dreamed of running. One where people were engaged and willing to help each other. She’d worked in a few places where the competition took main stage and the food was more of a sideline. She like this environment much better.

      “Wrap it up, people. We’ve got a taste testing to serve.” Angie started plating her own dish. The taste test would be the first order of business at the staff meeting that Felicia had already started with her servers and the bartender. The kitchen staff was expected in less than ten minutes. “And remember, no lobbying for votes. This is about the food, not about who cooked it.”

      “Yeah, but we are so going to kick butt in this.” Matt high-fived Nancy.

      His partner shook her head at his exuberance. She glanced over at Angie. “Sorry, he’s a little bit wired on coffee this morning.”

      “I’d say he’s delusional.” Estebe set the family-style plate of tomatoes on the expediting station. “Especially since it’s clear that the recipe Hope and I developed is clearly superior.”

      Angie laughed as she finished her own plating and took the dish forward. “You all forget, the boss always wins.”

      “Not when it’s a blind taste test.” Hope joined in the banter. Her face beamed from the heat of the kitchen and the joy she always seemed to radiate. “I love cooking with you guys. It almost feels like I’m a part of the team.”

      “You are a part of the team.” Nancy hugged her. “Now, let’s get cleaned up and go join the front of the house. I’ve got a date tonight with a bathtub and a bottle of wine. Man, my upper body takes a beating at the grocery store.”

      Nancy worked a second job on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. With her shifts at the County Seat, Nancy was working every day of the week. Angie knew her prep cook/pastry chef needed the money, but she couldn’t move the team to a more full-time schedule until fall, although they were getting closer to running that as bookings were filling up quickly.

      They left the dishes under the warming lights and went into the dining room where Felicia and her crew were just

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