Untold Evidence of God. Andre Dellerba

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Untold Evidence of God - Andre Dellerba

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      Untold Evidence of God


      Andre Dell’erba

      Copyright 2011 Andre Dell’erba,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0044-0

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

      Chapter 1 – WHY is this important?

      Today, tomorrow, the day after and then what? We gather, we heap up, we strive for perfection... for what? What happens if we receive everything, then what, what comes next? And does it truly make a difference? Can life be lived without the mortal end in mind, knocked to and fro without thought until we die? This life being a matter of chance; some big random event that took place in a period of time through disorganized chaos? Or was it designed with the purpose of weeding out the rebellious hearts?

      I’m not a debater, nor an intellectual, nor a scientist, nor a philosopher, nor religious. I am just one who thinks twice, a member of Mensa, who spent and still spends much time in the sciences. I have recently been asked to “Prove God logically” and my response is “That’s easy.”

      Now if I had been asked to “prove God didn’t exist logically” that would be difficult because I would be forced to ignore hard facts and focus on soft theories, like the theory of Evolution or the Theory of Self-Reliance. I once believed in these theories wholeheartedly, even professed them as truth until I started questioning them. As I grew in my understanding and research I realized that these theories are weak and that it takes far more faith and convincing to believe them, than believing that life was purposely designed and created.

      I am very disappointed in the way the educational system has taught on the subject of evolution. How unsupported facts and biased data were taught to me as facts. Now they either didn’t know about the zero foundation on which the Theory of Evolution stands and were just a product of the education system like me, or they had a hidden agenda which wasn’t about science but about “removing God”. People holding to this Theory come out with statements like “God vs. Science”, where it should have been “Science vs. Science”.

      The Theory of Evolution seemed like it initially started off as a scientific theory but when discoveries were made in the 60-90’s, contrary to the Theory, they weren’t publicized and didn’t make it into the education system. And when “some” of this data was shared by scientists they were labelled as “Religious Fundamentalists” and ridiculed. Since the mass had already been brainwashed and adopted the Theory of Evolution as the answer to life, or the lack thereof, people didn’t challenge science or the data that led to the theory. If science is about facts why hide the evidence – I will touch on this shortly.

      I remember one afternoon when I was young, less than 10 years old; my parents’ friends came over for a barbecue. I was bored with adult company so I decided to play with the new sand my father had bought for the recently laid grass. After playing with the sand I went inside to see if the food was ready. To my amazement everyone was in the same position as when I left, except my father who was turning the meat. On the way back to the pile of sand I stopped, turned around at the top of the driveway and asked myself, “Do people move only when I am in their presence, or do they stop moving when I’m not there? Are they just puppets for me? Why am I here? And why am I me? Do I belong to myself? Who made me; I know I didn’t make myself? Without me, will this sand have any meaning (significance)?” It was like I had been programmed with this quest, a natural hunger that came from my inner most being. It was like I was created to know the answer, not kill the desire. It was as if someone was calling me to know.

      Later, I realized that all have had similar questions at some point in their life. As if we were programmed to find it. Some ended at the Theory of Evolution, Theory of Self-reliance, Idols that they make, an impersonal force, and others ended at an intelligent personal Creator. Who is correct? Or maybe that isn’t the right question – the question should be what is the answer irrespective of who we believe is correct?

      Now the older I became, the wiser I thought myself to be. Science and those who taught science started playing a larger role in my life. I became a ‘God’ sceptic. If someone gave me one reason why God existed, I could give them 1,000 reasons why He didn’t. Like most people today; it is all a façade based on false presumptions. My standard answer was founded on the Theory of Evolution which I believed to be true – taught to be true. And I could put people in a scientific head spin with masses of data and assumptions. I portrayed having all the answers with “science” but deep down I had more questions than answers, which made me feel hypocritical and empty at times. As I went deeper into the Theory of Evolution – I started asking myself “Why do I believe this garbage, when the data, and the fact that we are interpreting the data, points to a Designer/Creator?”

      This Theory of Evolution literally had no foundation and yet I had built a tower on it, which would not and could not sustain me because it couldn’t sustain itself. Even if I take garbage and wrap it in a scientific wrapper, with lights, bells and whistles, it is still garbage. So why was there a tendency to sway from an intelligent personal Designer behind creation? Was it because I wanted to be accountable to myself? Maybe. Was it that I considered myself intelligent and therefore if I believed there was a Designer, Creator, I wouldn’t be intelligent and would be ridiculed, and labelled as a “Religious Fundamentalist”?

      Through the next few pages, I will take you on my journey of peeling back the onion to the obvious truth. So the stench of the obvious heart of truth may come to the surface. It isn’t rocket science, just simple reasoning. It is the power of thinking beyond what we have been taught or influenced - The power of thinking twice about life. It is important to question our beliefs to all limits, and assess if they are sustainable or if we can sustain ourselves. If not, why do we rest on this?

      Why is this important? Our words and actions come from our thoughts; and every thought is governed by our set of beliefs; and every belief we have is established by an authority we choose. This is the foundation of our decisions. The authority can either be a legitimate authority or not, but we end up choosing the authority and live by the consequences or benefits of the choices we make based on that authority. Who is your authority – God, Self or Another?

      At the end of peeling back the onion on life I came to realize, that just like gravity, whether I choose to believe that gravity exists or not, it has no effect on the fact that it exists, and I reap the consequences every time I act contrary. Whether I know about it or not it makes no difference. Similarly with God (the Creator), whether I believe God exists or not, it doesn’t change the fact that He is and that He will hold me accountable for the choices I make. And every time I act contrary, I reap the consequences, which may not be instant but are eventually reaped.

      “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:20-22).

      Chapter 2 – The Designer, Creator OR “Lucky” Chaos?

      Is there such a thing as random or chaos? Is random like throwing dice and chaos like breaking glass? Both are governed by forces that are initiated by “someone” (the initiator). Also someone had to create what “force is” and “how it” operates in the first place (Designer, Creator). If this isn’t established then there is no environment through which an initiator can initiate. As in the example of the dice, the initiator throws a dice within an environment which is designed. By

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