Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. III. Linda Ph.D. Stein-Luthke
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Ascended Masters Newsletters
Volume III
Linda Stein-Luthke (Channel)
Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D. (Editor)
Copyright © 2011 by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke
Published in eBook format by Expansion Publishing
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ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0229-1
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
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Dear Reader,
The Ascended Masters, a group of Beings of Light who have once walked the Earth and are currently not embodied, have been collaborating with humanity for many eons. They share their timeless wisdom in many ways, one of which is through a process called “channeling.” A “channel” is a person who has developed the skills to tune into information that is “broadcast” from the higher planes. Linda Stein-Luthke is such a “channel” who has made much written information available over the years, either in the form of books or through the Ascended Masters Newsletter.
Many of our readers have asked for past issues or an archive of our newsletters. In response, Martin Luthke has edited and compiled all previously published newsletters – which number over 120 at this time – into volumes to make them instantly available to all. Rereading the material has convinced us that the newsletters are a treasure trove of profound information that is crucial at this time of accelerated and all-encompassing change.
We hope that you will enjoy these readings and benefit from them, regardless whether they are completely “new” to you or not; we believe that the information and guidance provided by the loving Beings of Light is timeless, valuable, and useful.
One last note: When the Masters “speak” to us they refer to us by our spirit names Leia (Linda) and Manalus (Martin). Just so that you don’t stumble when you read those names in the following texts…
Peace and Blessings,
Linda & Martin
Ascended Masters Newsletter # 41
Living in the Past and in the Future
Once again we come to you in conscious communication to offer a bit more clarity about what you can experience more consciously now that the vibrational frequencies have increased to an even higher level.
As we have previously stated, your existence is omni-dimensional. Your Totality -- which consists of all you have ever been or ever will be -- has inserted one portion of itself into the form you call your human body in this time and space. But there is more, much more to comprehend regarding the adventure you are experiencing in this particular form at this particular time upon your plane. Our communications are designed to aid you in comprehending this experience more fully. We are grateful, once again, for this opportunity to serve you in this way.
As soon as you place your focus beyond the third dimension the concepts of time and space, which are illusory, completely dissolve. Time and space are simply agreements made by the collective consciousness of all humanity in order to function in your third dimension. As with all earth-bound thought forms, time and space immediately dissolve as soon as you allow your consciousness to move to other dimensions.
Leia had a very graphic experience of this during the early hours of her day when she visited past experiences and future experiences that she is anticipating. When you are dreaming, you are also traveling to other dimensions. What has become ever clearer to Leia in recent days is that these past and future dimensions are places where portions of her Totality are also residing. And, thus, they affect her behavior in the present moment. How Leia thinks of herself in the past and in the future reverberates in her experience of the present moment.
Furthermore, those portions of her Totality that are residing in the past and in the future have a life of their own that is occurring simultaneously. For, as we have stated, there is no time and space outside the earth-plane. The future and the past both exist in the “now.”
How Leia is interacting with her past and her future very much affects the “now.” For instance, Leia was married twice before her alliance with Manalus. There are portions of her Totality that are still married to both of her previous mates. Their lives have continued on and their story together continues. It was simply in this dimension that they could no longer remain connected. Until recently, Leia thought that her visitations to her past experiences with these mates were simply that: something that had occurred in the past. But now that the veils between the dimensions are thinning due to the increase in frequency, she is seeing that the story has continued with each of these mates. They are still fulfilling karmic agreements -- just not upon this plane at this time.
Due to Leia’s opening to her Light, those relationships have become more harmonious, just as she once might have wished. So, it is still possible to “experience” healing, harmony, and balance with her mates although they severed their relationship in this particular time and space. The experience of harmony and balance on the other dimensions has created a greater sense of well-being for Leia and for Manalus in this time and space.
However, if Leia had wished to remain acrimonious with her former mates her relationship with them on the other dimensions would not have been harmonious – leading to a less harmonious existence in this time and space. All does affect the whole.
Now let us turn to projections into the future. Do be aware, beloved friends, that what you choose to project into the future also creates a dimension upon which a portion of your Totality will reside. If your thoughts are optimistic, harmonious, and balanced when your mind dwells upon the future, then this will also affect your experience of the present moment.
You see, beloved children, as we have stated many times, all thoughts are things. They do attract energy that creates these other dimensions upon which a portion of your Totality will reside.
What you think does matter. How you respond to what you think shapes your experience of the “now.”
You may then ask why we suggested to Leia that she let go of these thoughts altogether and just focus upon the Violet Light with each breath? Is there really any harm in moving about these other dimensions and exploring where other portions of one’s Totality may reside? After all, isn’t this what one will experience when one taps into past lives that are also actually just other dimensions that are existing outside time and space?
In truth, we see no harm in anything that humans choose to do. It is humanity that makes these determinations and then chooses experiences that may or may not be comfortable based on these determinations.
All that you are, ever have been, or ever will be is derived from the Light of Infinite Source. So, we see you simply as powerful beings of Light making choices and having the experiences that are perfect for you in this embodiment based on your karmic agreements.
But when one begins to consciously