Ascended Masters Newsletters, Vol. IV. Linda Ph.D. Stein-Luthke
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Ascended Masters Newsletters
Volume IV
Linda Stein-Luthke (Channel)
Martin F. Luthke, Ph.D. (Editor)
Copyright © 2011 by Linda Stein-Luthke & Martin F. Luthke
Published in eBook format by Expansion Publishing
Converted by
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0283-3
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the authors, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
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Dear Reader,
The Ascended Masters, a group of Beings of Light who have once walked the Earth and are currently not embodied, have been collaborating with humanity for many eons. They share their timeless wisdom in many ways, one of which is through a process called “channeling.” A “channel” is a person who has developed the skills to tune into information that is “broadcast” from the higher planes. Linda Stein-Luthke is such a “channel” who has made much written information available over the years, either in the form of books or through the Ascended Masters Newsletter.
Many of our readers have asked for past issues or an archive of our newsletters. In response, Martin Luthke has edited and compiled all previously published newsletters – which number over 120 at this time – into volumes to make them instantly available to all. Rereading the material has convinced us that the newsletters are a treasure trove of profound information that is crucial at this time of accelerated and all-encompassing change.
We hope that you will enjoy these readings and benefit from them, regardless whether they are completely “new” to you or not; we believe that the information and guidance provided by the loving Beings of Light is timeless, valuable, and useful.
One last note: When the Masters “speak” to us they refer to us by our spirit names Leia (Linda) and Manalus (Martin). Just so that you don’t stumble when you read those names in the following texts…
Peace and Blessings,
Linda & Martin
Ascended Masters Newsletter # 71
Two Messages from St. Germain
Dear Friends:
In spite of the advice from the Masters we have certainly remained emotionally involved in all the news and events surrounding the [2008] election. As recently as today, however, we were advised again to let go of all partisanship. Here is what St. Germain shared with us on this Election Day:
Partisanship is Based on Ignorance
Are your hearts open? Can you allow this wondrous Light to flow freely within you, a Light that does not take sides or considers your choices as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’? All human beings are beings of Light who have free will. Each one of you is sovereign in your choices which are right for your unique universe. These universes are designed specifically to bring you closer to the realization of OM, Oneness of All. We urge you to let go of partisanship. Only what leads to Oneness will bring you the true change that you desire. Your human minds and personalities may prefer one outcome over another – but such preferences are based on ignorance. With your human mind you can never determine what is truly in the highest good of all; you simply do not and cannot know this with your human mind. Choosing one side over another will lead to divisiveness and will ultimately prove destructive. It is not wise. Open your hearts and minds to the realization that all is Light, that the same Light is flowing through all and everything, and that all is OM. That is the only truth.
There you have it!
Peace and Blessings,
Linda & Martin
* * *
Once Again: Sit and Be Still!
Finding the time to sit and be still and to welcome the Light within can be challenging for many at this time. Especially when it appears that life is becoming less comfortable and there appears to be more reason to fear.
We know that many of you are focused on these rapid changes and wondering how this will affect your existence as humans. We understand this discomfort and fear. That is why -- as the frequencies increase -- we are drawing ever closer to you in order to be of service to you.
Please be aware that as your days pass, it will be easier than ever to access the Light and the Beings of Light and to utilize this help in navigating this time of great change.
As events become more challenging to you, this will be true. What you are witnessing is the dissolution of the gross material plane, that which you have called the 3rd dimension. Now, what is occurring is the inculcation of the higher frequencies into the fabric of your plane of existence. The saturation of your plane with these higher frequencies is the reason for your current discomfort.
But it is the same saturation that is making it possible for you to access these higher frequencies where the Beings of Light reside and to call upon them to help you through this time of great change and transformation.
Once again, we ask you to realize that as you discipline yourselves to sit, be still, and open to these frequencies, you will find that life becomes easier and less stressful. You may think that your lives are too full, that there is too much to do, and that you cannot possibly embrace all that is demanded of you now. If this is so, how can you possibly find time to embrace this Light with adequate discipline?
Yes, we understand this difficulty. We see and hear expressions of this in each moment as we connect with those who have called to us. But we will tell you: There is no other way.
The Light of Infinite Source in its higher vibration can only be accessed by going within, sitting in stillness and abandoning yourself to these healing and transformative frequencies. It is a discipline -- and it is required.
Then, and only then, will you see and know what is true and real. And you will also see what is illusion and no longer useful for you to entertain. Yes, you are choosing to be absorbed by external events. That is understandable at this time of great change. But what is happening to you internally in response to the bombardment of Light that is filling your plane is far more crucial for you to comprehend.
We encourage you to utilize this formidable gift that is being given to you at this time. Then you can address whatever is happening externally with equanimity, wisdom, and grace. The answers to “what to do next?” will be found easily within the fountain of wisdom of your heart. Sitting, being still, opening, and listening will allow you to know. And when you know, you will see that there is no reason to fear.
You are cared for, you are loved, and you are awakening.
Simply allow it, beloved friends. Know you are cared for.
St. Germain
Ascended Masters Newsletter # 72