Spiritfarmer Aftermath; ...Farming 101. Hugh M.D. Mann

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Spiritfarmer Aftermath; ...Farming 101 - Hugh M.D. Mann

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      Spiritfarmer Aftermath; ...Farming 101


      Hugh Mann

      Copyright 2011 Hugh Mann,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0559-9

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      The following materials are of a highly threatening nature, apparently,

      as a good portion of readers become quite

      frightened. This fear is then, of course,

      projected as socially acceptable “ anger”.

      Should you become frightened

      upon perusal of this information,

      it is suggested that you discard this material,

      and return to a safe dogma.

      Book Blurb

      …uncompromising, non-apologetic, comically abusive,…in the second

      offering concerning the new sport of Spiritfarming, author Hugh Mann

      takes off the gloves with a no holds barred account of “farm equipment”,

      as spirit farming goes Pro…


      …controversial, thought provoking, perhaps scary, …this is self help as

      you’ve never seen it. Occasional millionaire, inventor, author Hugh Mann

      suffers from what he terms “pragmatic curiosity”. He chronicles his journey,

      thus far, toward an exposé of the true nature of the “Game of Man”

      The story of “Spiritfarming” as a personal credo,…and of “self help

      without struggle, work, discipline, improvement, or change…


      Farming 101

      …and Ego, spawn of Language, perched on it’s self proclaimed pedestal, wary, nervous perhaps, alert for signs of those troublemakers, Instinct, and Spirit. Zealously, it spoke, in self assurance; I am Tom, (or Dick, or Harry) I reign supreme in this body!…but there was no reply…

      I had come to a powerful new place, although quite naked , and self painted into a corner. Following some decades of delineation on the quest for a tenable address to the riddle of human happiness,…I had found myself with mixed news.

      Apparently, as one embarks on a quest for any real knowledge, a major drawback is one’s continuous stumbling over the gravestones of courage and common sense.

      On my journey, thus far, the picture that had emerged consisted mainly of bewildered enlightenment, with some bitter medicine on the other hand.

      Initially following the common route of the masses, albeit with some twists and quirks due to my “flavour,” I still hit the proverbial “wall” at age 34. This would , of course, be the legendary, pivotal wall where one either rallies and learns, or dies (becomes part of the status quo).

      The staggering actuality being that it is not difficult to decipher the nature of man, and therefore extrapolate a route to happy living,…but rather, to comprehend why it is so rare.

      While my goal was simply to improve my ability to attract joy, the phenomenon of denial is so ingrained in the masses, it presents a challenge to function amidst it.

      A main problem with becoming a black sheep, is that one must forfeit one’s flock of scapegoats.

      This book is intended as a natural progression of my understandings and suspicions as chronicled in the initial work “Spirit farming …the other secrets” It is highly recommended for your perusal in the interest of affording you the most comprehensive view of the situation, and understanding of this offering.

      That you may continue, however with this offering in a somewhat practical fashion, a condensed version of the aforementioned understandings and suspicions shall be presented.


      While being raised in favourable, if not amicable, conditions, and consequently greeting the “real world” as a rather naïve player, I soon became indoctrinated to “convention”

      From there I began my ruthless pursuit of tantalizing new concepts and labels such as “wealth”, fame”, …and “love”.

      Aided by youthful energy, and convention’s prerequisite blindness, I pushed further and further toward the assured “rewards”, routinely consulting the exalted “conventional wisdom” for direction.

      Forsaking my own knowing and instinct, as a good little sheep, I carved the professed notches of “arrival” on my little ladder of conformity.

      Yet with each new level of “success” , my joy appeared less frequently, and my spirit, through my body, suggested that I was off the track.

      On my arrival at the “wall”, my command of magic was gone, rather a fond, distant memory.

      While this , of course, reads like a textbook journey, and was basically to this point, I was assisted (or cursed), on my arrival at the wall by some stubborn streak that drove me to understand, as opposed to “dying” to the delusions of the status-quo.


      No longer willing to carry or feed my fears, they began their death from neglect on the leeward side, as I scaled the wall and thrust my newly set jaw into the winds of re-discovery.

      Thus unencumbered, I was able to begin to ask some real questions, and accept some real answers. A number of decades, and a bagful of bitten bullets later, and I had re-discovered the mechanics of the “Game of Man”. The same mechanics, ironically, that I had known, and used, naturally at the age of three.

      As I have no knowledge of the camp in which you stand, the mechanics of the game may or may not be quite frightening to you. However, your response to the mechanics does not change the mechanics, so should you become frightened (angry), it is suggested that you discard this data and return to some safe dogma.

      NUTS & BOLTS

      The game layout looks something like this;

      —all material constructs are sourced in the non-material realm

      —you may call the non-material realm the void, nirvana, god, energy…whatever

      —the largest part of you/us is non-material, and stays that way

      —“matter” is a co-creation of thought and energy, (there is no such thing as “creation”)

      —the “gamescape” (material universe, including planets etc.), is co-created and maintained by the larger part of you/us

      —the main “purpose” of the game is to produce “original thought”, as only through expanding thought can the universe expand (survive)

      —the entire universe, material and non-material, is magnetic, and codified by vibration, …a vibration attracts a like vibration, this is law


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