Surviving Out of Your Backpack. David Skipworth

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Surviving Out of Your Backpack - David Skipworth

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      Surviving Out of Your Backpack

      by David Skipworth

      Copyright 2014 David Skipworth,

      All rights reserved.

      Published in eBook format by

      ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-2200-8

      No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.


      Surviving out of your back pack is written to help people survive with the bare essentials. What would happen if you had to leave your home and could take nothing with you except what you could carry on your back? What would you take with you to survive? How would you survive? We’ve all seen this on TV and it has happened in other countries; but what if it happens in your own back yard? You can’t survive at your home because of the rioting, theft, killing and crime sweeping the streets with panic. You can’t pile everything into the car because there is no gas for it and if there were, you would probably get mugged in the process. How are you going to survive when the odds are against you? The only thing we can do is even the odds or put the odds in our favor! We survive by preparing and being ready!

      It is my hope that this book will help you and your family to survive if such events should ever arise. I pray to God that they never do; but I would rather you be safe than sorry. Many people are stocking up food and supplies and this is good, but what happens if people come and want to take it from you?

      In America there is a department in the Federal Government called FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association). What happens when FEMA comes to your house and takes it all away. I know that there are some of you saying that you will shoot them and that they do not have the right to take your food. There have already been laws passed and signed into orders which make it legal and give the government the right to take whatever food you have. Below is that executive order:


      SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this order:

      (a) "Food resources" means all commodities and products, simple, mixed or compound, or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being eaten or drunk, by either human beings or animals' irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be. put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. For the purposes of this order the term "food resources" shall also include all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal fats and oils, cotton, tobacco, wool, mohair, hemp, flax fiber, and naval stores, but shall not include any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.

      "The President has the power to seize property, organize and control the means of production, seize commodities, assign military forces abroad, call reserve forces amounting to 2 1/2 million men to duty, institute martial law, seize and control all means of transportation, regulate all private enterprise, restrict travel, and in a plethora of particular ways, control the lives of all Americans...

      Most [of these laws] remain a potential source of virtually unlimited power for a President should he choose to activate them. It is possible that some future President could exercise this vast authority in an attempt to place the United States under authoritarian rule.

      While the danger of a dictatorship arising through legal means may seem remote to us today, recent history records Hitler seizing control through the use of the emergency powers provisions contained in the laws of the Weimar Republic."

      --Joint Statement, Sens. Frank Church (D-ID) and Charles McMathias (R-MD) September 30, 1973

      This is a book to keep you alive, not get you shot by some trigger happy federal agent. This is why this book is so important because of the simplicity of Surviving out of your backpack.

      You may not be able to pack up all that food and start driving down the street, because if the riots don’t stop you the check points will. At this point you might get by with just carrying out a backpack, at least if you do, you can survive with everything in it. When worst turns to worst, take care of your back pack and this book because they will save your life. Everyone in your family needs to have their own backpack. Some people call such a bag a “bug out bag”. Other names for such a bag are a "72-hour bag", a "grab bag", a "battle bag", a "Personal Emergency Relocation Bag”, a "go bag" or a "GOOD bag" (Get Out Of Dodge).

      The primary purpose of a bug-out bag is to allow people to evacuate quickly if a disaster should strike. It is therefore important to gather all of the materials and supplies that might be required to do this into a single place, such as backpack. The recommendation that a bug-out bag contain enough supplies for seventy-two hours arises from advice from organizations responsible for disaster relief and management that it may take them up to seventy-two hours to reach people affected by a disaster and offer help. The bag's contents may vary according to the region of the user, as someone evacuating from the path of a hurricane may have different supplies from someone one who lives in an area prone to tornadoes or wildfires. However, I would like to see people live longer than seventy-two hours and that’s why I am putting much more information in this book for you to use. Backpacks come in many sizes for different people. This makes it convenient to own one for every member of the family. This way, everyone is helping in the survival of their family. Even if all of your backpacks were confiscated, the information in this book will help you to survive. People may have to resort to the most primitive methods of survival and in today’s technology people simply do not have these skills.

      Being prepared doesn’t make a person an idiot; it simply makes a person prepared for any scenario that might leave you vulnerable. It could be an unexpected layoff from your job. It could be a natural disaster. It could be something even worse. “Surviving out of your Backpack” is a hand guide for survival.

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