Mercedes Sosa - More Than A Song. Anette Christensen

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Mercedes Sosa - More Than A Song - Anette Christensen

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Anette Christensen

      Mercedes Sosa - More than a Song


       “In this work, you will find a new and touching perspective on our beloved Mercedes. It is a heartfelt and affectionate tribute honoring the life of my mother. Thank you, Anette, for all your efforts in the name of the Mercedes Sosa Foundation.”

       -Fabián Matus, son of Mercedes Sosa and president of The Mercedes Sosa Foundation.


       “If Mercedes had embraced you, you’d never forget it. She had the ability to embrace people like no one else in the world; one always had the feeling of being embraced by Mother Earth herself. She took all of us in her arms with her voice, with this unequaled bel canto voice, which was always a pure expression of her soul. There was never anything artificial about this wonderful woman, this brave woman, this icon of courageous resistance to military dictatorship. For me, she radiated the most important thing that makes a great human being: kindness."

       -Konstantin Wecker, singer and poet, Germany

Mercedes Sosa More than a song Anette Christensen Mercedes Sosa More than a Song A tribute to "La Negra," the voice of Latin America (1935-2009)

       No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author. Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

       Publisher: Tribute2Life Publishing

       Editors: NY Book Editors & David Larkin

       Cover Design: © Tribute2Life Design

       Cover Photo: © Ernesto Guerrero Pititore

       Back Page Cover Photo: © Reuters

       Interior Design: © Tribute2Life Design

       Interior Drawings © Anette Christensen

       Chapter Opening Illustrations: © by Monica Gaifem

       Author Photograph: © Pernille Schmidt

       Set with: Lora Font & Antonio Font

      First Editions

       Mercedes Sosa-More than a Song by Anette Christensen

      © 2019 by Anette Christensen. All rights reserved.


      In honor of Fabián Matus, Mercedes Sosa’s son, who passed away on March 15, 2019, less than ten years after his mother. You worked wholeheartedly for your mother when she was alive and maybe even harder to establish her legacy after her death.

      To the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who in a high age, are still active in their search of the children stolen from their parents and given to the Generals during The Dirty War. You are an example to all of us, that age is no hindrance to making a change in this world.

      To people Mercedes Sosa loved and served her entire life. Those who suffer under the burden of poverty, persecution, censorship, torture and social injustice in any form, the indigenous, the disenfranchised, the oppressed, the homeless, the orphans, the depressed, the lonely, and everyone who has never been seen and loved for who they are.


      ON OCTOBER 4, 2009, when her death was announced on the news, I caught my first glimpse of Mercedes Sosa. There was a very short sequence of her singing “Gracias a la vida” at an acoustic concert in Switzerland in 1980. The first thing that struck me was her authenticity. I could sense that she was a person of tremendous integrity. What she expressed seemed to be in complete accordance with who she was. The intensity and firmness in her voice, the intoning of every note and every word reached me like glassy water reflecting my soul. Her tenderness, profound passion, immense presence, and charisma moved me deeply. I started to watch and listen to Mercedes Sosa on the internet and soon I found myself completely immersed in her life,- a universe of music and love. Tears would run down my cheeks as I watched her and listened to her songs and intuitively, I began to use her eyes like a mirror that reflected back to me what I had missed out on as a child. In her eyes I saw the glance of a mother, a glance that said, “I see who you are, and in my eyes you are wonderful.”

      Since my discovery of Mercedes Sosa had such a deep and haunting impact on me, I began searching for any bit of information I could find about her. I soon learned that I wasn’t alone with the experience of being invigorated and transformed in her presence. As I delved deep into Mercedes’ life I discovered that her fans often referred to her as a “mystical presence.” This aroused my curiosity to gain a better understanding of her personal life—her relationships with her family, fans, and friends as well as the events that shaped her life on a personal and professional level. I embarked on a quest to find the secret behind her enormous impact and this so-called “mystical presence.”

      What I discovered affected me on various levels. Watching how Mercedes dealt with social and political problems increased my social awareness. Witnessing how she related to others, whether it was peasants or presidents, friends or foes, touched me deeply and aroused a desire in me to become more respectful and compassionate and to pay full attention to others.

      I am a sensitive and intuitive person who always looks for the best in others. Sometimes when I meet a person for the first time, my inner detector tells me that I have struck gold. It is a sensitivity that makes me feel a person’s essence and see their innate beauty immediately. It is exactly what happened when Mercedes Sosa came up on my radar. I felt I had found a treasure, and the more I got to know about her, the more convinced I became, that I had encountered a legend.

      Naturally, I was interested in talking to others about her, so I kept asking everyone on my way if they had heard of her, but I never had a positive answer. Realizing that she was still an unsung hero in the English speaking world, as well as my longing to get to know her, learn from her and connect with her gave me inspiration to write this book. I remember sitting on the stairs outside our house looking up at the stars when the thought crossed my mind for the first time only one month after her death.

      Writing this book has been like putting a jigsaw puzzle with one thousand pieces together, starting with having only one single piece and no idea what the full picture would look like. I was so attracted to the single piece I had found, that I had to search for the nine hundred and ninety other pieces. I am a go-getter and extremely persistent, and the challenge of not having access to the Spanish sources only increased my motivation. The first four years were a lonely journey as I didn’t have anyone I could share my passion with, but it changed in 2013, a year after my husband and I had moved from Denmark to Turkey.

      I was on my way back from the beach when I passed by a small shop which I passed by every day. This particular day I spotted a beautiful turquoise batik dress that was hanging outside. Turquoise being my favorite color at the time, I decided to stop and try it on. Up to that time we

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