The Peculiar Possum. Tracey Hecht

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The Peculiar Possum - Tracey Hecht

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      Welcome to The GROW & READ Early Reader Program!

      The GROW & READ book program was developed under the supervision of reading specialists to develop kids’ reading skills while emphasizing the delight of storytelling. The series was created to help children enjoy learning to read and is perfect for shared reading and reading aloud.

      These GROW & READ levels will help you choosethe best book for every reader.

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      Copyright © 2018 by Fabled Films LLC

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information address Fabled Films LLC, 200 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10003. [email protected]

      Published by Fabled Films LLC, New York

      ISBN: 978-1-944020-41-5

      Library of Congress Control Number: 2018944489

      First Edition: October 2018

      1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

      Cover Designed by Jaime Mendola-Hobbie

      Jacket & Interior Art by Josie YeeInterior Book Design by Aleks GulanTypeset in Stemple Garamond, Mrs. Ant and Pacific NorthwestPrinted by Everbest in China

      For information on bulk purchases for promotional use please contact Consortium Book Sales & Distribution Sales department at [email protected] or 1-866-400-5351.



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      Peculiar Possum


      Tracey Hht

      Ilustraion byJosie Y

      Fabled ims Pr New York

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      The star w inklg.

      The mon was bright.

      But a fox,  pngli, ad  sugr lide

      wer id ake.

      They wr noctual, d it ws me for

      their bakfst.

      Chapter 1

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      “Pah!” Bismrk exclad.“Wher a l my poes?

      This tre  ualy fied wth m!

      But onigh I ca fnd oly e!”

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      Bismark folde his sugar lide fps.

      Bismark cthed  bald spot n hi ead.

      Bismark tped his tiny fo.

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      Sudenly, a strge noi

      filed th ng air.

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       “Oh godnes,” Tbi ad.Tobin scruhed i scaly houders.

      Tobin clasped h ngoli caws. “What ws ?” Tobin asked.

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      The fox tk a sep forwd.The fox’s nam w D.

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