National Geographic Kids Chapters: My Best Friend is a Dolphin!. Moira Donohue Rose
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Donohue, Moira Rose, author.
Title: My best friend is a dolphin! / by Moira Rose Donohue.
Description: Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Kids, [2017] | Series: National geographic kids chapters | Audience: Ages 7-10. | Audience: Grades 4 to 6.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017010720 (print) |
LCCN 2017029183 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781426329043 (e-book) |
ISBN 9781426329029 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
ISBN 9781426329036 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Dolphins–Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC QL737.C432 (ebook) |
LCC QL737.C432 D665 2017 (print) |
DDC 599.53–dc23
LC record available at
Ebook ISBN 9781426329043
A FISHY TALE: Kelly and the Katrina Eight
Chapter 1: Just Whistle
Chapter 2: Take the Bait
Chapter 3: The Katrina Eight
Chapter 1: Boy Meets Dolphin
Chapter 2: You’re My Best Friend
Chapter 3: A Whale of a Tale
DOLPHINS TAKE CHARGE: Flip Nicklin, Photographer
Chapter 1: Revolving Romeo
Chapter 2: Photo Finish
Chapter 3: The Return of Echo and Misha
Jumping for joy! The rescuers and the missing dolphins are reunited! Credit 1
A playful dolphin dances with a hula hoop. Credit 2
Have you ever been outsmarted by a dolphin? Tim Hoffland has. The clever dolphin who tricked him is named Kelly. Tim didn’t really mind being tricked. It just proved what he already knew: Dolphins are super smart! From the first time Tim saw a real dolphin, he knew that he wanted dolphins to be a part of his life.
Tim went to college in Wisconsin, U.S.A. During spring break one year, he went to an oceanarium (sounds like oh-shun-AIR-ee-um). That’s an aquarium with marine mammals. Marine mammals are animals that live in the water but breathe air—like whales or dolphins.
Tim watched the dolphin show there. He stared in amazement as the dolphins flipped and tumbled. With just a hand signal from their trainers, they walked on their tails. They’re really smart! he thought. After each trick, the dolphins swam up to their trainers. They opened their mouths for a tasty fish treat. They looked like they were smiling. Tim really was smiling. He was in love. And he knew what he was going to do after college. He would get a job as