The Texan's Engagement Agreement. Noelle Marchand

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The Texan's Engagement Agreement - Noelle  Marchand

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      Second Chance Reunion

      It’s been five years since Adelaide Harper broke Chris Johansen’s heart—and their long-distance engagement. But when she steps off a train in Peppin, Texas, and strolls back into Chris’s life, he can’t help but panic. Because to avoid his parents’ plan to arrange a marriage for him, he’s let his family believe he and Adelaide are still engaged.

      Adelaide is facing her own troubles with a matchmaking mama and a parade of aggravating suitors. So pretending to let Chris court her could help them both. And after five years, there’s no need to worry that the time together will reignite their long-buried there?

      Bachelor List Matches: A handpicked bride for every bachelor in small-town Texas

      Chris couldn’t discern any pain or fear on his father’s face to show that his heart was bothering him again.

      He was flushed, but it only seemed to be with excitement, so Chris reluctantly allowed his attention to be drawn elsewhere.

      It landed on the woman standing just in front of his father. She was beautiful. She was familiar. She was achingly familiar.

      He caught her chin, tilted her face upward and got lost in the ocean of her blue eyes. “Adelaide.”

      A fleeting smile touched her lips. “Hello, Chris.”

      “What are you doing here?”

      Olan slapped Chris’s back just hard enough to knock some sense into him. “Son, is that any way to greet your fiancée?”

      Time slowed. Chris knew exactly what was going to happen. The truth was going to come out. He could almost see the disbelief, the shock, the disappointment on his father’s face. His imagination went even further until he saw Olan’s face whiten, his hand covering his heart as he sank to his knees in pain. Chris couldn’t let that happen. Instinctively, he caught Adelaide by the arms, then stifled whatever she’d been planning to say with a quick, ardent kiss.

      NOELLE MARCHAND is a native Houstonian living out her childhood dream of being a writer. She graduated summa cum laude from Houston Baptist University in 2012, earning a bachelor’s degree in mass communications and speech communications. She loves exploring new books and new cities. When she’s not scribbling out her latest manuscript, you may find her pursuing one of her other passions—music, dance, history and classic movies.

      The Texan’s Engagement Agreement

      Noelle Marchand

      Therefore, seeing we also are compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

      —Hebrews 12:1–2

      Dedicated to you.



       Back Cover Text


       About the Author

       Title Page

       Bible Verse


       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Dear Reader



       Chapter One

      March 1889

      Peppin, Texas

      Chris Johansen was running out of time. Worse yet, he was running out of women.

      He had to find a bride before his parents figured out his long-distance engagement to the sweetheart of his youth had ended years ago. If they did, they’d send for a mail-order bride from their old country of Norway faster than he could say “Goodbye, freedom.” Or, “Hello, stranger.”

      He’d tried to find himself a wife among the women of Peppin, but all he had to show for his efforts was a bruised ego. Every single one of the women he’d expressed an interest in had turned him down flat. They’d also turned right around and married other men within months or even weeks of his failed proposal. Isabelle Bradley was no exception. He’d proposed to her only a few weeks ago. Now, in a matter of minutes, she was going to

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