Her Single Dad Hero. Arlene James

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Her Single Dad Hero - Arlene  James

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      A Homecoming Romance

      Ten years ago Ann Billings left her Oklahoma ranch behind and headed to the big city. But when her ailing father needs her to temporarily run the spread, she’s back—successful, accomplished…and engaged. She’s got her whole life on track—but she never planned on Dean Pryor or his gap-toothed five-year-old son. Years ago the farmer would’ve done anything to be noticed by Ann, and it seems nothing’s changed. His feelings still run deep, and this time his boy’s fallen for her, too. Now Dean faces a most daunting task: showing Ann that their little trio may not be what she’d mapped out…but it’s exactly what she’s always needed.

      “Do you think I’m feminine?”

      What? When Ann looked in the mirror, didn’t she see what he saw?

      She didn’t wait for his reply. “I can’t cook. I don’t know anything about kids. I can’t sew. I—”

      Dean stopped her rant. “You, Ann Billings, are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

      For an instant, everything froze.

      Then he was lost to the wonder of her smile.

      Then it faded. “Sorry. I was having a pity party and I dragged you into it.”

      “You think I said that out of pity?” The woman was clueless! “You know, the only masculine thing about you is your stubborn inability to see what’s in front of you.”


      “I’m talking about me!” he snapped.

      She looked stunned. “I didn’t... I never...”

      The words just died away, and that was all he could handle.

      “I have to go.” He stepped around her and kept on walking. Had he just revealed he’d carried a torch for her for years?

      Oh, what had he done?

      ARLENE JAMES has been publishing steadily for nearly four decades and is a charter member of RWA. She is married to an acclaimed artist, and together they have traveled extensively. After growing up in Oklahoma, Arlene lived thirty-four years in Texas and now abides in beautiful northwest Arkansas, near two of the world’s three loveliest, smartest, most talented granddaughters. She is heavily involved in her family, church and community.

      Dear Reader,

      Misunderstandings fuel many of life’s problems and decisions. A lack of solid information can have devastating effects on our beliefs, attitudes and actions. Yet, God can use even that to our benefit—and His—when we are surrendered to Him.

      Saul misunderstood Who Christ is and the very nature of Christianity. As a result, Saul made some bad decisions and serious mistakes. After he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and learned the full truth, God changed him into Paul and used his past mistakes as a powerful witness, taking Christianity to the gentile world. What a blessing!

      We make mistakes. We misunderstand at times and let that color our thoughts and actions. But take heart. Ann and Dean’s story illustrates that, when we belong to Him, God is always at work in our lives. He can turn misunderstandings and mistakes into blessings!

      God bless you!

      Her Single Dad Hero

      Arlene James


      Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.

      —Romans 12:2

      I know some truly intelligent, talented, loving, beautiful professional women, and quite a few of them live in Oklahoma, but only one is my niece. Hillary, your many accomplishments speak volumes, but your faith is especially eloquent. I’m so proud of you!



       Back Cover Text


       About the Author

       Dear Reader

       Title Page

       Bible Verse


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen




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