Logotherapy. Elisabeth Lukas

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Logotherapy - Elisabeth Lukas

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      Living Logotherapy

      Published by


      © 2020 Elisabeth-Lukas-Archiv gGmbH

      Dr. Heidi Schönfeld

      Nürnberger Straße 103a

      D-96050 Bamberg

      [email protected]

      This English edition published with the kind permission of Profil Verlag. Originally published in German as Lehrbuch der Logotherapie, Menschenbild und Methoden © 2014 Profil Verlag GmbH München, Wien

      Elisabeth Lukas


      Principles and Methods

       Translated from the German by:

      Dr. David Nolland, Oxford

       Edited by:

      Dr. Heidi Schönfeld, Bamberg, and Dr. David Nolland, Oxford

       Cover design, typesetting and layout:

      © Bernhard Keller, Köln

      Print and distribution: tredition GmbH, Hamburg

      ISBN 978-3-00-066678-0 (paperback)

      ISBN 978-3-00-066679-7 (eBook)

      Elisabeth Lukas


      Principles and Methods

      Elisabeth Lukas


      Principles and Methods


      A publication series of the Elisabeth-Lukas-Archive



      Translator’s Note

       Logotherapy’s Concept of Man

      Classification of Logotherapy

      The Concept of Dimensional Ontology

      The Dialectic of Fate and Freedom

      Conscience, the “Organ of Meaning”

      The Dialectic of Vulnerability and Intactness

      The Dialectic of Pleasure Orientation and

      Meaning Orientation

      An Intermediary Case Study

      Two and three dimensional interpretations

      The Dialectic of Character and Personality

      Self-knowledge and Dealing with Oneself

       The Logotherapeutic Form of Conversation

      Keywords as a Guarantee Against the Imposition of Values

      The Problem of Ambivalence: the Torn Human Being

      The Problem of Non-acceptance: People Who are Frozen

      by Protest

      The Problem of Ignorance: the Person Walled-in

      by Indifference

      Reflections on a “Rhetoric of Love”

       The Methods of Logotherapy

      The Categories of Neurosis According to Viktor E. Frankl

      The Origin of Anxiety Neuroses

      Curing Anxiety Neuroses

      Keeping the Compulsive Neurotic Character in Check

      A Bit of Unkindness: Hysteria

      Rescue by Renunciation

      A Multidimensional Concept for Dealing with Addiction

      Eating Disorders – a Problem Complex with Two Roots

      Preventing Iatrogenic Damage

      Supporting Patients with Somatic / Endogenous Illness

      Dealing with the Blows of Fate

      Noogenic Neuroses and Depressions

      Ways Out of the Existential Vacuum

      How Sleeping Disorders and Sexual Disorders are Created

      A Recipe for Avoiding Egocentricity

      Prevention and Aftercare

      The Value of Life

      The Pathogenesis of Mental Disorders

       Further Developments in Logotherapy

      Being Able to Decide Well

      Principles of Meaning-Centred Family Therapy

      Perceiving Oneself in a Completely Different Way

      The Author

      Foreword for the Series “Living Logotherapy”

      “In our time, people usually have enough to live on. What they often lack, however, is something to live for.” This is how Viktor E. Frankl, the Viennese psychiatrist and founder of logotherapy, summarised a problem that is just as relevant today as ever. Elisabeth Lukas, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, has an international reputation as Frankl’s most important student. In her many books, she illustrates how logotherapy provides help in cases of mental illness, enriches the everyday life of healthy people and inspires us all to lead a meaningful, fulfilling life. Her books illustrate how humane, authentic and up-to-date a “living logotherapy” can be. The main objective of this new series is to make her books, which have enjoyed lasting success in the German-speaking world, more accessible to speakers of English.

      Many people have worked hard to make it possible for the Elisabeth Lukas Archive to publish this new series. Particular thanks are due to our translator Dr. David Nolland, who has produced a fluid text that remains very close to the original. He has excellent knowledge in the field of logotherapy and supervises this series in all matters relating to the English-speaking market. Thanks are also due to Prof. Dr. Alexander Batthyány, who supported us from the beginning and will accompany this series as a guide. The formatting and layout is due to Bernhard Keller, and the beautiful presentation of the books is wholly attributable to his expertise.

      The first book in this series was a collaborative project combining discussions of the theory of logotherapy by Lukas with numerous case studies by Schönfeld. The present book, the second in the series, is a textbook by Elisabeth Lukas on the fundamental concepts of logotherapy and their applications. This book has been reprinted in German many times, but there has not, until now, been a satisfactory translation available in English.

      Thanks to Dr. Kagelmann of Profil Verlag, the holder of the rights for the German version of the books, for generously giving his permission for an English language version.

      The third book, which will appear shortly, is a further collaboration between Lukas and Schönfeld, combining case studies with discussions of how these cases illustrate the practical application of logotherapeutic methods.

      All that remains is to wish all of these books on the practical application of logotherapy success in the English-speaking world. May it give readers a glimpse into the vitality and relevance of these lifechanging therapeutic methods!

       Dr. Heidi Schönfeld

       Director of the Elisabeth-Lukas-Archive

      Translator’s Note

      Logotherapy is notoriously tricky to translate, as indicated

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