Into the English World. Günther Albrecht

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Into the English World - Günther Albrecht

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9. Handelszentrum 10. haben ihm den Spitznamen eingebracht 11. äußerst abwechslungsreiche Landschaft

       II. Now read the text again. There are eleven mistakes in it. Find them and underline them. As an alternative you can also watch the part “Into the English world – New Zealand” once more.


       III. Crossword puzzle New Zealand


       1. New Zealand belongs to the _______ of Nations.

       2. Name of a famous ship

       3. Product we get from sheep

       4. New Zealand’s biggest city

       5. New Zealand’s emblem and national bird

       6. New Zealand consists of two islands – the South island and the _________Island.

       7. Where very hot water comes out from the ground

       8. Christchurch is another ________ in New Zealand.

       9. Magma comes from these mountains

      10. The largest city’s ____ is “City of Sails”.

       Solution: Most southerly capital city





       I. Listen to the beginning of the short story once more and tick the correct answer. If you can’t watch the broadcast again, use the pool of phrases below to complete the text and do the exercise a second time. The numbers are identical with those of the gaps.

       1. The blue sky was covered with clouds.

       2. The gardener had already been up early in the morning mowing the lawn.

       3. The daisies (Gänseblümchen) had been cut and only the rosette-leaves had been left.

       4. The green bushes of the roses bowed down deeply.

       5. After the family had finished breakfast the men came to put up the tent.

       6. Meg could not supervise the men as she still sat in her green turban.

       7. Jose was in her petticoat.

       8. Laura likes eating out of doors very much.

       9. The workmen carried garden chairs and tables.

      10. The workmen carried schoolbags on their back.

      11. Laura went red in her face.

      12. Laura sounded so natural, not at all ashamed.

      13. She stammered like a little girl.

      14. The tallest of the men was slim with pale brown spots on his face and skin.

true false

       II. Now use the pool of phrases below and complete the text. Then check your answers. You need not know every single word as long as you understand the general meaning of the text.

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      1) was veiled with a haze of light gold

      2) since dawn, mowing the lawns

      3) where the daisy plants had been

      4) bowed down as though they had been visited by archangels

      5) to put up the marquee

      6) supervise the men

      7) in a silk petticoat

      8) for eating out of doors

      9) They carried staves

      10) had big tool-bags slung on their backs

      11) She blushed

      12) so fearfully affected

      13) stammered like a little girl

      14) a lanky, freckled fellow




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       You may answer the questions if you wish.

       1. What’s the expression for someone who has left his country to live in another country?

       2. Can you give one example for each of the four letters of the “FOXY”-rule?

       3. The German word for a barbecue is “ein …”, and the British English word for “a truck” is “a …”.

       4. Afters are de’sserts/’deserts? (Cross out the wrong one.)

       5. Why does Laura want to cancel the garden party?

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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