Understanding Clinical Papers. David Bowers

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Understanding Clinical Papers - David  Bowers

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and interventions."/>

      Source: Reproduced from Bebbington‐Hatcher and Fallowfield (2003), © 2003 Elsevier.

      Although there is no widely accepted classification of qualitative research that mirrors the useful classification of quantitative research (Chapter 5), there are a variety of ways of carrying out qualitative studies. There are several commonly encountered theoretical approaches, a variety of sampling techniques, and a number of methods of data gathering. These three components of the research process are by no means separate from one another; two are dealt with below as if individual topics, while sampling techniques are dealt with in Chapter 15.

      Theoretical Approaches

      One of the most frequently encountered qualitative approaches in healthcare research is known as grounded theory, in which the researcher generates theory from the data – in contrast to the typical quantitative device of holding a hypothesis and then gathering data to support or refute it. In studies undertaken according to the precepts of grounded theory, it is usual practice to move between fieldwork and analysis – analysing early data before collecting later data, and using the interim analysis to adjust the later data collection – a procedure sometimes termed continuous comparison.

An illustration of grounded theory as the theoretical basis for a study examining patients' experience of care.

      Source: Reproduced from Blazeby et al. (2010), © 2010 John Wiley & Sons.

      Other theoretical approaches are available, including some that pay more attention to the meaning rather than the description of events or experiences in healthcare; interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) is a popular form of such research. The interviews bear similarities with those carried out in a grounded theory study – with a topic guide (see below and Chapter 25) providing a loose structure for the interview. The difference will often lie in trying to get rather closer to the participant's accounts of events and background – getting to know the person and their context quite well. Often the sample is small and the data from each person very detailed. Interviews are sometimes supplemented by other material such as diaries, personal written accounts, and letters. Some IPA researchers deliberately target participants who are articulate and likely to be particularly forthcoming. The research questions tend to concentrate on meaning: ‘What is it like to receive a diagnosis of pre‐senile dementia?', ‘Why don't some people with insulin‐dependent diabetes attend specialist clinic for advice and treatment?'

An illustration of a qualitative study employing ethnographic techniques.

      Source: From Arolker et al. (2012), © 2012, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd.

      This section has described the above three approaches to show something of the spread of lines of attack; qualitative researchers use numerous other named and unnamed techniques and devices, and there are many good books that describe and explain them. The next section says a little more about the collection of data from individuals and from groups.

      Practical Data Gathering

      Most frequently, qualitative health researchers interview individuals. They do not try to draw their samples, as quantitative researchers do, in a way that provides a subset of the population that represents the population in a probabilistic kind of way. Rather, they frequently use what is termed a purposive procedure: they use predetermined criteria to select people to invite for the study. For example, patients attending hospital because of self‐harm (usually overdose or self‐cutting) were invited for an interview to discover their views about the care and attention that they received at the hospital Emergency Department; the researchers purposively attempted to recruit approximately equal numbers of people who had taken an overdose or cut themselves, equal numbers of males and females, and equal numbers of people attending for the first time or at a repeat attendance. Sampling in qualitative research is described in some detail in Chapter 15.

      Reports of qualitative research usually describe the way in which the data were collected. Often the data are gathered through the interview of a series of individuals, although groups of people (generally termed focus groups) are also widely used. Whether it is a study with individual interviews or one engaged with groups, the researchers will generally have set out for themselves an organized way of posing questions. The structure of the questioning can be extremely loose, perhaps little more than an occasional prompt on a broadly drawn subject, through to detailed and in‐depth enquiry in an organized order of questioning.

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