Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists. Ceri Davies

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Textbook for Orthodontic Therapists - Ceri Davies

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section id="ub7aaee29-5c9a-5759-8710-981d0907cda4">


      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Foreword

      3  Acknowledgements

      4  1 History of Orthodontics 1.1 Orthodontics before the Twenty‐First Century 1.2 Standard Edgewise Appliance 1.3 Begg Appliance 1.4 Preadjusted Edgewise Appliance 1.5 Tip Edge Appliance 1.6 Self‐ligating Appliance 1.7 Advantages and Disadvantages of all Types of Buccal Appliances 1.8 Lingual Appliances

      5  2 Patient Assessment 2.1 The Three Planes of Space 2.2 Extra‐Oral Assessment 2.3 Intra‐Oral Assessment

      6  3 Classification of Malocclusion 3.1 Angle’s Classification 3.2 British Standards Institute Classification 3.3 Canine Relationship 3.4 Andrew’s Six Keys

      7  4 Aetiology of Malocclusion 4.1 Skeletal Factors 4.2 Soft Tissue Factors 4.3 Local Factors 4.4 Habit 4.5 Fraenal Attachments

      8  5 Class I Malocclusion 5.1 Definition 5.2 Prevalence 5.3 Aetiology of Class I 5.4 Treatment of Class I

      9  6 Class II Div I Malocclusion 6.1 Definition 6.2 Prevalence 6.3 Aetiology of Class II Div I 6.4 Treatment of a Class II Div I

      10  7 Class II Div II Malocclusion 7.1 Definition 7.2 Prevalence 7.3 Aetiology of Class II Div II 7.4 Treatment of Class II Div II

      11  8 Class III Malocclusion 8.1 Definition 8.2 Prevalence 8.3 Aetiology of Class III 8.4 Treatment

      12  9 Prevalences

      13  10 Hypodontia 10.1 Definition 10.2 Commonly Missing Teeth 10.3 Prevalence of Hypodontia 10.4 Prevalence of Missing Teeth 10.5 Classifying Hypodontia 10.6 Classifying Missing Teeth as a Whole 10.7 Aetiology of Hypodontia 10.8 Medical Conditions Associated with Hypodontia 10.9 Factors Associated with Hypodontia 10.10 Treatment of Hypodontia in Deciduous Teeth 10.11 Treatment of Hypodontia in Permanent Teeth 10.12 Implant Space Required 10.13 Kesling Set‐up

      14  11 Supernumeraries 11.1 Definition 11.2 Prevalence of Supernumeraries 11.3 Aetiology of Supernumeraries 11.4 Types of Supernumeraries 11.5 Factors Caused by Supernumerary Teeth 11.6 Clinical Features of Supernumeraries 11.7 Medical Conditions Associated with Supernumeraries 11.8 Management of a Supernumerary 11.9 Types of Supernumeraries

      15  12 Impacted Canines 12.1 Definition 12.2 Prevalence of Maxillary Canines 12.3 Prevalence of Congenitally Missing Upper and Lower

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