Linux Security Fundamentals. David Higby Clinton

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Linux Security Fundamentals - David Higby Clinton

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       David Clinton

      Copyright © 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

      Published simultaneously in Canada

      ISBN: 978-1-119-78146-2

      ISBN: 978-1-119-78157-8 (ebk)

      ISBN: 978-1-119-78156-1 (ebk)

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      I would like to thank my wife for all her help and support through the long and demanding process of writing these books. And, once again, I’m indebted to all the great people at Wiley who helped me turn a plain old manuscript into a great teaching tool.

      David Clinton is a Linux server admin and AWS Solutions Architect who has worked with IT infrastructure in both academic and enterprise environments. He has authored technology books—including AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide: Associate SAA-C01 Exam, Third Edition (Sybex, 2020) and the Ubuntu Bible (Wiley, 2020)—and created more than 25 video courses teaching AWS and Linux administration, server virtualization, and IT security for Pluralsight.

      In a previous life, David spent 20 years as a high school teacher. He currently lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife and family and can be reached through his website:

      Ben Piper is a cloud and networking consultant who has co-authored multiple AWS study guides, including the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Study Guide: Associate SAA-C01 Exam, Second Edition (Sybex, 2019) and the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Study Guide: CLF-C01 Exam (Sybex, 2019). He’s also created more than 20 technology training courses covering Amazon Web Services and Cisco routing and switching. You can contact Ben by visiting his website:


      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Acknowledgments

      5  About the Author

      6  About the Technical Editor

      7  Introduction What Does This Book Cover? Interactive Online Learning Environment and Test Bank

      8  Chapter 1 Using Digital Resources Responsibly Protecting Personal Rights Protecting Digital Privacy Establishing Authenticity Summary Back to the Basics Review Questions

      9  Chapter 2 What Are Vulnerabilities and Threats? The Basics: What Are We Trying to Accomplish Here? Common Vulnerabilities Скачать книгу