Fundamentals of Fixed Prosthodontics. James C. Kessler
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Table 6-1 Features and applications of single-tooth restorations
Restoration | Size of lesion | Longevity rating | FPD abutment | RPD abutment | Esthetics | Retention | Protects tooth | Replaces cusp | Occlusal restoration | Incisal restoration | Facial restoration | Endodontic restoration |
Intracoronal | ||||||||||||
Glass ionomer | Incipient | 5 | No | No | Adequate | NA | No | No | Poor | Poor | Class V | No |
Composite resin | Incipient to moderate | 4 | No | No | Good | NA | No | No | Poor | Adequate | Class V | No |
Simple amalgam | Incipient to moderate | 1 | No | Yes | Poor to adequate* | NA | No | No | Class II | No | Class V | No |
Complex amalgam | Large | 3 | No | Yes | Poor to adequate* | NA | Some |