Thomas Becket. Father John S. Hogan

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Thomas Becket - Father John S. Hogan

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Thomas Becket

       Thomas Becket

      Defender of the Church

      Father John S. Hogan


      Except where noted, the Scripture citations used in this work are taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible — Second Catholic Edition (Ignatius Edition), copyright © 1965, 1966, 2006 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      Quotations from The Correspondence of Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1162-1170, Volumes 1 & 2, translated by Anne Duggan, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000. Reproduced with permission of the Licensor through PLSclear.

      Every reasonable effort has been made to determine copyright holders of excerpted materials and to secure permissions as needed. If any copyrighted materials have been inadvertently used in this work without proper credit being given in one form or another, please notify Our Sunday Visitor in writing so that future printings of this work may be corrected accordingly.

      Copyright © 2020 by John S. Hogan

      25 24 23 22 21 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

      All rights reserved. With the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without permission from the publisher. For more information, visit:

      Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division

      Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.

      200 Noll Plaza

      Huntington, IN 46750


      ISBN: 978-1-68192-582-0 (Inventory No. T2452)

      1. RELIGION—Christianity—Saints & Sainthood.

      2. RELIGION—Christianity—History.

      3. RELIGION—Christianity—Catholic.

      eISBN: 978-1-68192-583-7

      LCCN: 2020939796

      Cover design: Amanda Falk

      Cover art: The Martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury by Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre (French, Paris 1714–1789 Paris); Public Domain Image

      Interior design: Amanda Falk


       In memory of my father,Tom Hogan(1939–2017)




       Part I: Ambition’s Servant

       1. The Ship

       2. A Boy from London

       3. Our Friend Richer

       4. The Anarchy

       5. Paris

       6. Return of the Wastrel

       7. Theobald

       8. Archiepiscopal Servant

       9. Peace

       10. Archdeacon

       Part II: The King’s Servant

       11. Henry

       12. Royal Chancellor

       13. The Trappings of Power

       14. Master and Servant

       15. Thomas the Warrior

       16. Thomas of Canterbury

       Part III: The Church’s Servant

       17. Of Scepters and Croziers

       18. Anselm

       19. Father

       20. Zeal

       21. Alexander

       22. Woodstock

       23. The Council at Westminster

       24. A Very Public Quarrel

       25. The Clarendon Affair

       26. The Darkest Hour

       27. Crisis at Northampton

       28. The Archbishop Goes to War

       29. Exile

       Part IV: Servant of Christ

       30. Pontigny

       31. Vézelay


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