Electronics in Advanced Research Industries. Alessandro Massaro

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Electronics in Advanced Research Industries - Alessandro Massaro

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Main specifications References Barcode Optical laser reading identifying only type of itemOnly read<20 of characters of data capacity [16, 17] QRcode Optical laser reading identifying only type of itemOnly readUp to 7089 characters of data capacity [17, 18] RFID Radio frequency detection system100–1000 characters of data capacityRead and writeStandards: 125–134 kHz (LF); 13.56 MHz (HF); 866–915 MHz (UHF); 2.45–5.8 GHz (microwave)Active tags (100 m reading distance, 64 byte–32 KB of memory capacity)Passive tags (1 m reading distance, 48 byte–2 KB of memory capacity) [16, 17,19–21] NFC Distance of communication: few cmTechnology: RFID basedFrequency: 13.56 MHzCommunication: two way [21] iBeacon Bluetooth Low‐Energy (low power consumption)1 m ± 70 m wireless range [22, 23]

      NFC, near field communication; RFID, radio frequency identification.

Standard Main specifications References
ZigBee WirelessIEEE802.15.4 standardWPANFrequencies: 868 MHz (Eu); 915 MHz (US); 2.4 GHz30−100 m wireless rangeNetwork type: star, mesh, cluster tree, peer to peerCapacity: 250 Kbit s−1 [24–26]
WiFi WirelessIEEE802.11 standardWireless local area networkFrequencies: 2.4–5.4 GHz1 km wireless rangeCommunication type: point to multipointCapacity: 54 Mbit s−1 [26]
Bluetooth WirelessIEEE802.15.1 standardWPAN networkFrequencies: 2.45 GHz1–100 m wireless rangeCommunication type: point to multipointNetwork type: starController: system on chipData rate: 1 Mbit s−1Capacity: 723.1 Kbit s−1 (versions 1.1 and 1.2); 3 Mbit s−1 (version 2.0)Bluetooth V4.0 [21, 24]
RS‐232 WiredLAN/PAN networkCommunication type: point to pointNetwork type: busCapacity: 75 bit s−1–115.2 Kbit s−1. [27]
USB WiredLAN/PAN networkCommunication type: point to pointNetwork type: tree, busCapacity: 12 Mbit s−1 (version 1.1); 480 Mbit s−1 (version 2.0); 4800 Mbit s−1 (version 3.0) [28]
Ethernet WiredLAN networkCommunication type: point to pointNetwork type: star, busCapacity: 10 Mbit s−1–10 Gbit s−1 [29]
ZWAVE Radio frequency technologySub‐GHz communications (900 MHz)Mesh networkNo coordinator nodeMaster/slave architectureData rates: 9.6/40/100 Kbit s−1 [24]
Fifth Generation (5G) Cellular network standardHigher throughputLower latencyArtificial intelligence capabilitiesVideo real‐time processing [24]

      WPAN, wireless personal area network.

       Sensor and actuator layer.

       Agent, firmware and user interface layer.

       Gateway layer.

       IoT middleware.

       Processing layer.

       Application layer.

Schematic illustration of layers of technologies related to an advanced technology.

      Flexible technologies must act in these layers, and are fundamental to automatize all the production processes for:

       In‐line/off‐line production monitoring.

       The elimination of possible failure conditions.

       The decrease of production defects.

       The optimization of human resources and of their work.

       Business intelligence (BI) and strategic marketing.

       The optimization of the warehouse management.

       A dynamic production following the real‐time customer requests.

      The main flexible technologies are integrated in robotic systems. Robots process information acquired by sensors placed inside and outside the production machines, and generating different outputs suitable for decision making, for the processing coordination, and for the system control.

      The flexibility of the information system is mainly in the interconnectivity of all the layers shown in Figure 1.3, representing a standard architecture upgraded by AI and big data system working in the processing layer. Big data systems are characterized by the following features:

       Volume (dataset volumes larger than terabytes [1012 byte] and petabytes [1015 byte]).

       Velocity (velocity refers to the data generation speed).

       Variety (variety of sources with structured, semi structured and unstructured data).

       Veracity (quality of the data that is being analyzed, the non‐valuable data are classified as nose or wrong data).

      Big data uses the not only SQL (NoSQL) technology. The NoSQL databases (DBs) do not use the relational model, are performed efficiently on clusters, and can be open source.

      A primary important aspect concerning the production optimization is the production traceability, performed by sensors. Digital traceability is fundamental in Industry 4.0 scenarios. Automatic detection by gates installed on the production line at each production stage is able to control quality processes and production in general. Table 1.3 lists the main sensors used for product traceability.

      Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems are constituted by a reader and by a TAG or transponder, enabling the electronic identification of the traced product. The active version is equipped with a lithium (Li) battery or is powered by an external source. The passive RFID is not equipped with

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