Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible. Andrey Tikhomirov

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Scientific analysis of the biblical Epistles of the Apostles. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible - Andrey Tikhomirov

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many ancient peoples, and archaeological excavations in Palestine found cult figurines of a bull in ancient layers. Stone and wooden pillars in the form of a phallus – a male reproductive organ – were placed in the fields, or such phallic figures were buried in the soil, which was supposed to magically increase its fertility»).

      10 Whoever comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into the house and do not greet him. (The fight against false teachings).

      11 For he who greets him participates in his evil deeds. (The fight against false teachings).

      12 I have many things to write to you, but I do not want to write on paper with ink, but I hope to come to you and speak from mouth to mouth, so that your joy may be full. (There should be a visual meeting soon).

      13 The children of your chosen sister greet you. Amen. (Greetings from the sister’s children. Amen – (from others-Heb. «Let it be true, true.» The message dates back to the end of the I century. The second Conciliar epistle of John contains only one chapter; it is written to a certain chosen lady and her children, and is an allegorical appeal to the church and its members).

      6. The Third Conciliar Epistle of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian

      Chapter 1

      1 Elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I truly love. (Greeting to Gaius. The third epistle of John is addressed to a private person).

      2 Beloved! I pray that you may be well and prosper in everything, as your soul prospers. (Prayer for Guy).

      3 For I was very glad when the brethren came and testified of your faithfulness, how you walk in the truth. (Guy behaves «correctly»).

      4 There is no greater joy for me than to hear that my children walk in the truth. (Analogy with children).

      5 Beloved! you act like a faithful one in what you do for the brothers and for the wanderers. (Guy behaves «correctly» in relation to «brothers», that is, supporters of nascent Christianity and wanderers who have had a «sacred status» since ancient times).

      6 They testified before the church of your love. You will do well if you let them go, as it should for God’s sake, (Guy behaves «correctly»).

      7 For they went for his name’s sake, taking nothing from the Gentiles. (Pagans are non—Judeo—Christians, Christianity has not yet separated from Judaism, they were Judeo-Christians (Ebionites – «beggars»), the name of the early Christian groups of the I—III centuries. who did not break with Judaism and performed Judaic rituals: celebrated the Sabbath, performed circumcision).

      8 Therefore we must accept such in order to become companions of the truth. (Such people should be accepted into Christian communities).

      9 I have written to the churches; but Diotref, who loves to be the first among them, does not accept us. (A certain Diotref opposes this, the formation of hierarchy in early Christian communities has already begun).

      10 Therefore, if I come, I will remind you of the deeds that he does, blaspheming us with evil words, and not being satisfied with that, and he does not accept brothers, and forbids those who wish, and expels from the church. (The fight against Diotref is necessary).

      11 Beloved! do not imitate evil, but good. He who does good is of God; but he who does evil has not seen God. (The need to do good and resist evil).

      12 Demetrius has been witnessed by all and by the truth itself; we also bear witness, and you know that our testimony is true. (A certificate of a certain Dimitri).

      13 I had many things to write, but I do not want to write to you with ink and a cane, (They wrote with ink and a cane – style, stick).

      14 and I hope to see you soon and talk mouth to mouth. (See you soon).

      15 Peace be upon you. Friends greet you; greet friends by name. Amen. (Greeting. Amen – (from others-Heb. «Let it be true, true.» The message dates back to the end of the I century. The third conciliar epistle of John is written to Guy the Corinthian, mentioned in the epistles to the Romans (16:23) and the Corinthians (1 Cor 1:14).).

      7. The Conciliar Epistle of the Holy Apostle Judas

      Chapter 1

      1 Judas, servant of Jesus Christ, brother of James, to the called, who are sanctified by God the Father and preserved by Jesus Christ: (The author of the epistle writes that he is Judas, servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, «to the called, who are sanctified by God the Father and preserved by Jesus Christ»).

      2 May mercy and peace and love multiply for you. (Greeting).

      3 Beloved ones! having all the zeal to write to you about the common salvation, I thought it necessary to write you an admonition – to strive for the faith that was once given to the saints. (The need for salvation).

      4 For some people have crept in, who from time immemorial were destined for this condemnation, the wicked, who turn the grace of our God into [a reason for] debauchery and reject the one Lord of God and our Lord Jesus Christ. (Some «bad» people have «crept in», lead a dissolute lifestyle and reject Yahweh and Jesus Christ).

      5 I want to remind you, who already know this, that the Lord, having delivered the people from the land of Egypt, then destroyed the unbelievers (References to the Old Testament history).

      6 and he keeps the angels, who have not preserved their dignity, but have left their dwelling, in eternal bonds, under darkness, for the judgment of the great day. (The messenger angels also behaved «incorrectly»).

      7 How Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, who, like them, committed fornication and followed other flesh, having been subjected to the punishment of eternal fire, are set as an example – (The promise of all kinds of troubles to sinners).

      8 so it will be with these dreamers, who defile the flesh, reject the authorities and slander the high authorities. (The promise of all sorts of troubles to sinners).

      9 Michael the Archangel, when he spoke with the devil, arguing about the body of Moses, did not dare to pronounce a reproachful judgment, but said, «May the Lord forbid you.» (Archangels, angels, devils, Yahweh. Jesus Christ and other «magical» characters behave like people, they are people – the personification of these characters).

      10 But these speak evil of what they do not know; but what by nature, like dumb animals, they know, thereby they corrupt themselves. (Analogies, comparisons).

      11 Woe to them, for they walk in the way of Cain, give themselves up to the deceit of a bribe, like Balaam, and perish in stubbornness, like Korah. (References to the Old Testament history. The author of the epistle warns readers to be careful with people who preach false teachings, having penetrated the ranks of Christians. The author also considers those who continue to adhere to the teachings of early Christians to be professing false doctrine).

      12 Such are a temptation at your love parties; feasting with you, they comfort themselves without fear. These are waterless clouds carried by the wind; autumn trees, barren, twice dead, extirpated; (Analogies, comparisons).

      13 fierce waves of the sea, foaming with their shame; wandering stars, to which the darkness of darkness is kept forever. (Analogies, comparisons).

      14 Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied about them, saying: «Behold, the Lord is coming with the darkness of his holy angels – (References to the Old Testament history).

      15 To bring judgment upon all, and to rebuke all the wicked among them in all the works that their wickedness has done, and in all the cruel words that wicked sinners have spoken against him.» (The need for «God’s terrible» judgment).

      16 These are murmurers who are not satisfied with anything, who act according to their lusts (wickedly and lawlessly); their mouths utter inflated words; they show hypocrisy for self-interest. (Condemnation

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