The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831. Various

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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831 - Various

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p>The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction / Volume 17, No. 470, January 8, 1831

      Few places in Britain can boast of higher antiquity than the city of Chichester. Its origin is supposed to date back beyond the invasion of Britain by the Romans. It was destroyed towards the close of the fifth century, by Ella, but rebuilt by his son, Cissa, the second king of the South Saxons, who named it after himself, and made it the royal residence and capital of his dominions.

      Chichester, as may be expected, is a fertile field for antiquarian research. Its cathedral, churches, and ecclesiastical buildings abound with fine architecture; and its Cross is entitled to special mention. It is thus minutely described in the Beauties of England and Wales:

      The Cross stands in the centre of the city, at the intersection of the four principal streets. According to the inscription upon it, this Cross was built by Edward Story, who was translated to this see from that of Carlisle, in 1475. It was repaired during the reign of Charles II., and at the expense of the Duke of Richmond, in 1746; though we are told that Bishop Story left an estate at Amberley, worth full 25l. per annum, to keep it in constant repair; but a few years afterwards the mayor and corporation sold it, in order to purchase another nearer home. The date of the erection of this structure is not mentioned in the inscription; but, from the style and ornaments, it must be referred to the time of Edward IV. This Cross is universally acknowledged to be one of the most elegant buildings of the kind existing in England. Its form is octangular, having a strong butment at each angle, surmounted with pinnacles. On each of its faces is an entrance through a pointed arch, ornamented with crockets and a finial. Above this, on four of its sides, is a tablet, to commemorate its reparation in the reign of Charles II. Above each tablet is a dial, exhibiting the hour to each of the three principal streets; the fourth being excluded from this advantage by standing at an angle. In the centre is a large circular column, the basement of which forms a seat: into this column is inserted a number of groinings, which, spreading from the centre, form the roof beautifully moulded. The central column appears to continue through the roof, and is supported without by eight flying buttresses, which rest on the several corners of the building. Till a few years since this Cross was used as a market-place; but the increased population of the city requiring a more extensive area for that purpose, a large and convenient market-house was, about the year 1807, erected in the North-street; on the completion of which, it was proposed to take down this Cross, then considered as a nuisance. Fortunately, however, the city was exempted from the reproach of such a proceeding by the public spirit of some of the members of the corporation, who purchased several houses on the north side of the Cross, in order to widen that part of the street, by their demolition.

      The Topographer


(For the Mirror.)Kent

      He that will not live long,

      Let him dwell at Murston, Tenham, or Tong.

Queen Elizabeth's Gun at Dover

      "O'er hill and dale I throw my ball,

      Breaker my name of mound and wall."

      Deal famed much vaunts of new turrets high,

      A place well known by Cæsar's victory.


      Dover, Sandwich, and Winchelsea,

      Rumney and Rye the Five Ports be.

Hampshire—Sir Bevis of Southampton

      Bevis conquered Ascupart

      And after slew the Boar,

      And then he crossed beyond the seas

      To combat with the Moor.


      I came to Lonsdale where I staid

      At hall, into a tavern made,

      Neat gates, white walls, nought was sparing,

      Pots brimful, no thought of caring.

      They eat, drink, laugh, are still mirth making—

      Nought they see, that's worth care taking.

Drunken Barnaby's Journal.

      Chester of Castria took the name,

      As if that Castria were the same.


      "To all friends round the Wrekin."


      Doctrinæ studium, quod nunc viget ad vada Boum

      Tempore venture celebrabitur ad vada Saxi.

      Science that now o'er Oxford sheds her ray

      Shall bless fair Stamford at some future day.


      Or Trent who like some earth-born giant spreads

      His thirsty arms along the indented meads.


      And beauteous Trent that in himself enseams (fattens)

      Both thirty sorts of fish and thirty sundry streams.

BERKSHIRE.—ABINGDON(From Piers Plowman's MSS. 1400.)

      And there shall come a king and confess you religious,

      And beat you as the Bible telleth, for breaking of your rule,

      And then shall the Abbot of Abingdon and all his issue for ever

      Have a knock of a king, and incurable the wound.


      As many days as in one year there be,

      So many windows in this church you see,

      As many marble pillars here appear

      As there are hours throughout the fleeting year,

      As many gates as moons one here does view,

      Strange tale to tell, yet not more strange than true.

      A noble park near Sarum's stately town,

      In form a mount's clear top call'd Clarendon;

      There twenty groves, and each a mile in space,

      With grateful shades, at once protect the place.

Chippenham.—On a Stone

      Hither extendeth Maud Heath's Gift,

      For where I stand is Chippenham Clift.


      An owl shall build her nest upon the walls of Gloucester,

      And in her nest shall be brought forth an ass.

      The Severn sea shall discharge itself through seven mouths,

      And the river Usk shall burn seven months.


      Robin Hood in Barnesdale stood,

      An arrow to head drew he,

      "How far I can shoot," quoth he, "by the rood

      "My merry men shall see."


      You who do like me, give money to end me,

      You who dislike me, give as much to mend me.

      And Mole that like a nousling mole doth make

      His way still underground till Thames he over-take.


      The chalky Wey that rolls a milky wave.


      What ear so empty is, that hath not heard the sound

      Of Tannton's fruitful Deane; not matched by any ground.



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