Undercover Fiance. Sheryl Lynn

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Undercover Fiance - Sheryl  Lynn

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      Helmsley smiled, close-lipped. “Obviously you’ve never sat across the interrogation table from me, sir.”

      Daniel chuckled. “Obviously you’ve never dealt with an erotomanic stalker harboring sociopathic tendencies who uses anonymity as a weapon. Pinky isn’t scared of the cops. You’ll never rattle him.”

      Janine massaged her aching temples. An island, she thought She’d buy an island and post a huge sign saying No Testosterone Allowed. “Gentlemen! Stop the bickering. It’s going nowhere. I and everyone at Elk River will cooperate fully with the police investigation.”

      She found a list she’d created yesterday. She handed it over the desk to the investigator. “Here are the names of the people I’ve hired in the past six months. Mr. Tucker assures me that Pinky began working here during that time. As for Mr. Tucker, he’s staying.”

      Seeing Mike forming a protest, she held up a hand and shook her head firmly. “Your goal is to arrest Pinky. Mine is to protect my father. I fail to see where our goals are incompatible.”

      Mike cast an unhappy glance at Daniel. “Provoking Pinky is a mistake, Janine.”

      “He’s already provoked. If Mr. Tucker is dumb enough to set himself up as a target, then I will let him continue for as long as it keeps the colonel safe.”

      “Dumb?” Daniel mouthed silently. He made a face at her.

      “I also ask that you gentlemen cooperate with me. As far as anyone else is concerned, Mr. Tucker is my boyfriend. Nothing more.”

      She ended the interview. After she saw them out of the office, she pawed through her desk drawers in search of aspirin.

      “So you think I’m dumb, huh?” Daniel asked, grinning.

      “I hold serious doubts about the intelligence of anyone who paints a target on his forehead. I wish you wouldn’t fight with the police, either. Especially Mike. He’s an old friend.” She swallowed two aspirin then chased them with a slug of coffee.

      “Your friend doesn’t know what he’s dealing with.”

      “He’s an experienced law officer.” She stared glumly at her telephone. The message indicator flashed.

      “As long as they don’t get in my way.”

      The door opened and Kara poked her head inside.

      “Knock first,” Janine snapped. She pressed a fist over her pounding heart.

      “Sorry. Are you okay?” She flashed an adoring smile at Daniel.

      “I’m busy right now. What do you want?”

      Kara made a hissy noise through her teeth. “You don’t need to bite my head off. I just wanted to tell you breakfast is ready. Chef made those caramel rolls you like so much.”

      Janine laid her head on her folded arms. Frazzled nerves or not, she had no right to take it out on her sister.

      “I’m sorry,” she called, but Kara was already gone. Rolling her eyes in self-disgust, she rose. Daniel’s too-bland face annoyed her. “In case you were wondering, the answer is Yes, I’m always a grump. Especially in the morning.”

      “I wasn’t wondering. But thanks for the warning.”

      “Are you always this chipper and perky?”

      “Without fail.”

      In the family dining room the heady aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air. The comfortable room and mouth-watering scents soothed her frazzled nerves. Her appetite roared to life. Seeing Kara acting extra careful, her shame deepened. She hated her hot temper and tendency toward snappishness. She worked hard at allowing petty annoyances to roll off her back, she longed for sweet serenity, but those seemed like impossible goals to reach. “I’m sorry for yelling. You didn’t deserve it.”

      Kara passed off the apology with a careless wave. “No problem.” She faced Daniel. “And you!” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. “You saved Ninny’s life. I’m so glad you’re here!”

      A trace of color appeared on his cheekbones. He hovered a hand over Kara’s back then patted between her shoulder blades. His sheepish expression fascinated Janine. He couldn’t possibly be embarrassed.

      Janine glanced at the doorway then lowered her voice. “Listen,” she told Kara, “there’s something you need to know.”

      “Yeah, no kidding. Why didn’t you tell me you had a stalker? I never knew your life was in danger. How long has this been going on?”

      Janine indicated the sideboard. Serving bowls and covered hot trays held the food. “Help yourself, Daniel.”

      “Well?” Kara asked. She selected the biggest caramel roll and plopped it onto Daniel’s plate.

      Janine hesitated. Many of Kara’s best friends were staff members—any of whom could be Pinky. “You have to swear that what I tell you doesn’t go beyond this room.”

      “What about Ross and Megan?”

      At the mention of her brother and other sister Janine winced. She envisioned the entire family swarming in to do battle. “You didn’t call them, did you?”

      Kara lifted a shoulder. “I did, but Ross is out of town and Megan is helping Tristan feed cows.”

      “No more calls.” Keeping an eye on the doorway, Janine told her tale. Telling it still wasn’t easy. Kara’s show of horror made it worse. By the time she finished, Daniel had refilled his plate and Kara had eaten her breakfast. Janine managed to choke down some fruit, oatmeal and part of a caramel roll.

      “Erotomania?” Kara whispered. “Is he a rapist? A pervert?”

      Daniel answered. “It’s a love fixation, not sexual desire. If Pinky was a pervert, Janine would know it by now. I dealt with one—”

      “Please,” Janine interrupted. “I’ve heard enough stories to give me nightmares for a year. Take his word for it, Kara.”

      Kara wagged a finger between her sister and Daniel. “So you guys aren’t really dating. It’s all a trick to get this Pinky guy to show himself?”


      The young woman popped a piece of roll in her mouth and chewed, her expression thoughtful. “Wait a minute! I know who you are. You’re J.T.’s boss. You own the karate studios. Frankie told me about you.”

      “The studios are a sideline. Stopping stalkers is what I do.”

      Janine recognized the gleam in Kara’s eyes. Kara loved people without discrimination. She especially loved good-looking men. No doubt she was, at this very moment, figuring out a way to date Daniel. Seated side by side at the table, they made a stunning couple. Janine cleared her throat, loudly.

      “He has a job to do. I need your cooperation.”

      “I’m happy to do anything you need.” She directed the words toward Daniel.

      I bet you are, Janine thought.

      Kara sobered. “The colonel won’t like this, Ninny.”

      Well aware of how her father would react, Janine said nothing.

      A knock caused all three to look toward the doorway. Janine recognized a maintenance worker. “Yes, Jason, what can I do for you?”

      “I’m sorry to bother you, ma’am.” Hands shoved in his pockets, he lingered under the doorway. “Mr. Hernandez asked me to find you. A guy showed up at the garage. Says he’s from the EPA.”

      The Environmental Protection Agency, Janine thought with an inner groan. Bureau of Land Management property and national forest surrounded the resort. The EPA kept a close eye on any potential contaminants or environmental hazards. They were going to demand an accounting

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