The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter & Alcmena. Unknown

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The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter & Alcmena - Unknown

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      The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter & Alcmena


      The Nemæan Lion

      By Juno's hate urged on, Alcmena's Son,

      At sixteen years his noble toils begun.

      Nemæa's dreadful Lion first he sought,

      The savage slew & to Eurystheus brought,

      From his huge sides his shaggy spoils he tore,

      Around him threw, & e'er in triumph wore.


      The Lernæan Hydra

      On Lerna's pest th' undaunted Hero rushes,

      With massy club her hundred heads he crushes,

      In vain. One crush'd, two hissing heads arise,

      Till good Iolas to each wound applies

      The burning brand. Dipt in the Hydra's gall,

      His arrows slightest wound is death to all.


      The Mænalæan Stag

      A Stag with horns of gold and feet of brass,

      On Mænalus bounds o'er th'unbending grass,

      To Dian sacred, this he's doom'd to bring,

      Unhurt into the presence of the King,

      Forbid to wound, how take a Stag so fleet?

      A twelvemonth's end scarce saw the task complete.


      The Erymanthian Boar

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