The History of French Revolution. John Stevens Cabot Abbott

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The History of French Revolution - John Stevens Cabot  Abbott

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       John Stevens Cabot Abbott

      The History of French Revolution

      Including the History of the French Monarchy

      Published by


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      2019 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066051594

      Table of Contents

       Chapter I. Origin of the French Monarchy

       Chapter II. The Houses of Valois and Bourbon

       Chapter III. The Regency and Louis XV

       Chapter IV. Despotism and Its Fruits

       Chapter V. The Bastille

       Chapter VI. The Court and the Parliament

       Chapter VII. The Assembly of the Notables

       Chapter VIII. The Appeal to the People

       Chapter IX. Assembling of the States-General

       Chapter X. The National Assembly

       Chapter XI. Revolutionary Measures

       Chapter XII. The Tumult in Paris

       Chapter XIII. Storming the Bastille

       Chapter XIV. The King Recognizes the National Assembly

       Chapter XV. The King Visits Paris

       Chapter XVI. Forming the Constitution

       Chapter XVII. The Royal Family Carried to Paris

       Chapter XVIII. France Regenerated

       Chapter XIX. The King Accepts the Constitution

       Chapter XX. Flight of the King

       Chapter XXI. Arrest of the Royal Fugitives

       Chapter XXII. Return of the Royal Family from Varennes

       Chapter XXIII. Commotion in Paris

       Chapter XXIV. The Approach of War

       Chapter XXV. Agitation in Paris, and Commencement of Hostilities

       Chapter XXVI. The Throne Assailed

       Chapter XXVII. The Throne Demolished

       Chapter XXVIII. The Royal Family Imprisoned

       Chapter XXIX. The Massacre of the Royalists

       Chapter XXX. The King Led to Trial

       Chapter XXXI. Execution of Louis XVI

       Chapter XXXII. The Reign of Terror

       Chapter XXXIII. Execution of Marie Antoinette and Madame Elizabeth

       Chapter XXXIV. The Jacobins Triumphant

       Chapter XXXV. Fall of the Hebertists and of the Dantonists

       Chapter XXXVI. Fall of Robespierre

       Chapter XXXVII. The Thermidorians and the Jacobins

       Chapter XXXVIII. Dissolution of the Convention

       Chapter XXXIX. The Directory

       Chapter XL. The Overthrow of the Directory and the Establishment of the Consulate


      Chapter I.

       Origin of the French Monarchy

       Table of Contents

      Extent of France.—Character of its early Inhabitants.—Conquest of Gaul.—Barbarian Invasion.—The Franks.—Pharamond.—Clovis.—Introduction of Christianity.—Clotilda.—Merovingian Dynasty.—Fields of March.—Anecdote of Clovis.—The Parisii.—Strife with the Nobles.—Moorish Invasion.—Charles Martel.—Pepin.—Fields of May.—Charlemagne.—His Policy.—Feudal System.—The Church.—Rolls.—Louis V.—Hugh Capet.—Parliament established by Philip the Fair.

      Could one have occupied some stand-point in the clouds fifty years before the birth of our Savior, and have looked down upon that portion of ancient Gaul which has since been called

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