THE PRINCE OF INDIA (Historical Novel). Lew Wallace

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THE PRINCE OF INDIA (Historical Novel) - Lew Wallace

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       Lew Wallace


      (Historical Novel)

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

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      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-7583-001-2

      Table of Contents

       Book I. The Earth and the Sea Are Always Giving Up Their Secrets

       I. The Nameless Bay

       II. The Midnight Landing

       III. The Hidden Treasure

       Book II. The Prince of India

       I. A Messenger From Cipango

       II. The Pilgrim at El Katif

       III. The Yellow Air

       IV. El Zaribah

       V. The Passing of the Caravans

       VI. The Prince and the Emir

       VII. At the Kaaba

       VIII. The Arrival in Constantinople

       IX. The Prince at Home

       X. The Rose of Spring

       Book III. The Princess Irené

       I. Morning on the Bosphorus

       II. The Princess Irené

       III. The Homeric Palace

       IV. The Russian Monk

       V. A Voice From the Cloister

       VI. What Do the Stars Say?

       VII. The Prince of India Meets Constantine

       VIII. Racing With a Storm

       IX. In the White Castle

       X. The Arabian Story-Teller

       XI. The Turquoise Ring

       XII. The Ring Returns

       XIII. Mahommed Hears From the Stars

       XIV. Dreams and Visions

       XV. Departure From the White Castle

       XVI. An Embassy to the Princess Irené

       XVII. The Emperor’s Wooing

       XVIII. The Singing Sheik

       XIX. Two Turkish Tales

       XX. Mahommed Dreams

       Book IV. The Palace of Blacherne

       I. The Palace of Blacherne

       II. The Audience

       III. The New Faith Proclaimed

       IV. The Pannychides

       V. A Plague of Crime

       VI. A Byzantine Gentleman of the Period

       VII. A Byzantine Heretic

       VIII. The Academy of Epicurus

       IX. A Fisherman’s Fête

       X. The Hamari

       XI. The Princess Hears From the World

       XII. Lael Tells of Her Two Fathers

       XIII. The Hamari Turns Boatman

       XIV. The Princess Has a Creed


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