MY LIFE AS AN INDIAN. James Willard Schultz

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MY LIFE AS AN INDIAN - James Willard  Schultz

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       James Willard Schultz


      The Story of a Red Woman and a White Man in the Lodges of the Blackfeet

      Published by


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      2018 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-272-4523-9

       Fort Benton

       The Ruse of a Savage Lover

       The Tragedy of the Marias

       A War Trip for Horses

       Days with the Game

       The Story of the Crow Woman

       A White Buffalo

       A Winter on the Marias

       I have a Lodge of My Own

       The Killing of a Bear

       The Kutenai's Story

       The Great Race

       The Snake Woman

       The Snake Woman's Quest

       I Return to My People

       The Story of Rising Wolf

       A Friendly Visit from the Crows

       A Raid by the Crows

       Nat-ah'-ki's Wedding

       The Attack on the Hunters

       Never-laughs Goes East

       The War Trip of Queer Person

       The Piegans Move In

       A Wolverine's Medicine

       Little Deer's End

       The Ways of the Northland

       The Story of Ancient Sleeper

       Diana's Marriage

       A Game of Fate

       Trade, Hunt, and War Party

       Nat-ah'-ki's Ride

       Curbing the Wanderers

       Crees and Red Rivers

       The Last Op the Buffalo

       The "Winter of Death"

       The "Black Robe's" Help

       Later Years

      Editorial Note

      In this account of his long residence with the Blackfeet, Mr. Schultz has given us a remarkable story. It is an animated and vivid picture of Indian life. The scene is on the plains in the old days, in the picturesque period when the tribe lived in a primitive way, subsisting on the buffalo and at war with hostile neighbours. It is a true history and not romance, yet abounds in romantic incident. In its absolute truthfulness lies its value.

      The book has extraordinary interest as a human document. It is a study of human nature in red. The author has penetrated the veil of racial indifference and misunderstanding and has got close to the heart of the people about whom he writes. Such an intimate revelation of the domestic life of the Indians has never before been written. The sympathetic in sight everywhere evident is everywhere convincing. We feel that the men and the women portrayed are men and women of actual living existence. And while in the lodges on the Marias the elemental passions have fuller and franker sway, we recognise in the Blackfoot as here revealed a creature of common humanity like our own. His are the same loves and hates and hopes and fears. The motives which move him are those which move us. The Indian is the white man without the veneer of civilisation.

      The chapters of this volume were published serially in "Forest and Stream" under the title "In the Lodges of the Blackfeet" and over the pseudonym W. B. Anderson. The title page now bears the author's real name. Not only is the story a true one, but many of the characters still live, though to-day under conditions as different as though centuries had intervened. FATHER PRANDO died in the year 1906.


      Principal Characters

      NAT-AH'-KI —A Blackfoot Indian girl who becomes the wife of the AUTHOR; a cheerful and sweet-tempered woman about whom the interest of the story centres. The book's finest character.

      THE CROW WOMAN —An Arickaree captured long ago by the Crows and later taken from them by the Bloods.

      MRS. BERRY —A Mandan woman, wife of an old time Indian trader, mother of BERRY and friend of the CROW WOMAN ; learned in the ancient lore of her tribe.


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