THE FAIR GOD (Illustrated Edition). Lew Wallace

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THE FAIR GOD (Illustrated Edition) - Lew Wallace

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       Lew Wallace


      (Illustrated Edition)

      The Last of the 'Tzins – Historical Novel about the Conquest of Mexico

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

       [email protected]

      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-7583-003-6

      Table of Contents

       Note by the Author


       Book One

       I. Our Mother Has a Fortune Waiting Us Yonder

       II. Quetzal’, the Fair God

       III. A Challenge

       IV. Tenochtitlan at Night

       V. The Child of the Temple

       VI. The Cû of Quetzal’, and Mualox, the Paba

       VII. The Prophecy on the Wall

       VIII. A Business Man in Tenochtitlan

       IX. The Questioner of the Morning

       X. Going to the Combat

       XI. The Combat

       XII. Mualox and His World

       XIII. The Search for Quetzal’

       Book Two

       I. Who Are the Strangers?

       II. A Tezcucan Lover

       III. The Banishment of Guatamozin

       IV. Guatamozin at Home

       V. Night at the Chalcan’s

       VI. The Chinampa

       VII. Court Gossip

       VIII. Guatamozin and Mualox

       IX. A King’s Banquet

       X. The ’Tzin’s Love

       XI. The Chant

       Book Three

       I. The First Combat

       II. The Second Combat

       III. The Portrait

       IV. The Trial

       Book Four

       I. The King Gives a Trust to Hualpa

       II. The King and the ’Tzin

       III. Love on the Lake

       IV. The King Demands a Sign of Mualox

       V. The Massacre in Cholula

       VI. The Conqueror Will Come

       VII. Montezuma Goes to Meet Cortes

       VIII. The Entry

       Book Five

       I. Public Opinion

       II. A Message From the Gods

       III. How Ills of State Become Ills of Society

       IV. Ennuyé in the Old Palace

       V. Alvarado Finds the Light of the World

       VI. The Iron Cross

       VII. The Christians in the Toils

       VIII. The Iron Cross Comes Back to Its Giver


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