The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut: 1647-1697. John M. Taylor

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The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut: 1647-1697 - John M.  Taylor

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       John M. Taylor

      The Witchcraft Delusion in Colonial Connecticut: 1647-1697

      Historical Account of Witch Trials in Early Modern Period

      Published by


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      2019 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066051662

      Table of Contents

       Chapter I

       Chapter II

       Chapter III

       Chapter IV

       Chapter V

       Chapter VI

       Chapter VII

       Chapter VIII

       Chapter IX

       Chapter X

       Chapter XI

      "Connecticut can well afford to

       let her records go to the world."

       Blue Laws: True and False (p. 47). J. HAMMOND TRUMBULL.


      The true story of witchcraft in old Connecticut has never been told. It has been hidden in the ancient records and in manuscripts in private collections, and those most conversant with the facts have not made them known, for one reason or another. It is herein written from authoritative sources, and should prove of interest and value as a present-day interpretation of that strange delusion, which for a half century darkened the lives of the forefathers and foremothers of the colonial days.


      Hartford, Connecticut.

      Two Indictments for Witchcraft

      "John Carrington thou art indited by the name of John Carrington of Wethersfield—carpenter—, that not hauing the feare of God before thine eyes thou hast interteined ffamilliarity with Sattan the great enemye of God and mankinde and by his helpe hast done workes aboue the course of nature for wch both according to the lawe of God and the established lawe of this Commonwealth thou deseruest to dye."

      Record Particular Court, 2: 17, 1650-51.

      "Hugh Crotia, Thou Standest here presented by the name of Hugh Crotia of Stratford in the Colony of Connecticut in New England; for that not haueing the fear of God before thine Eyes, through the Instigation of the Devill, thou hast forsaken thy God & covenanted with the Devill, and by his help hast in a preternaturall way afflicted the bodys of Sundry of his Majesties good Subjects, for which according to the Law of God, and the Law of this Colony, thou deseruest to dye."

      Record Court of Assistants, 2: 16, 1693.

      A Warrant for the Execution of a Witch1 and the Sheriff's Return Thereon

      To George Corwin Gentlm high Sheriff of the County of Essex Greeting

      According to the within written precept I have taken the Bodye of the within named Bridgett Bishop out of their Majties Goale in Salem & Safely Conueighd her to the place provided for her Execution & Caused ye sd Bridgett to be hanged by the neck till Shee was dead all which was according to the time within Required & So I make returne by me George Corwin Sheriff

      Chapter I

       Table of Contents

      "First, because Witchcraft is a rife and common sinne in these our daies, and very many are intangled with it, beeing either practitioners thereof in their owne persons, or at the least, yielding to seeke for helpe and counsell of such as practise it." A Discovrse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft, PERKINS, 1610.

      "And just as God has his human servants, his church on earth, so also the Devil has his—men and women sworn to his service and true to his bidding. To win such followers he can appear to men in any form he pleases, can deceive them, enter into compact with them, initiate them into his worship, make them his allies for the ruin of their fellows. Now it is these human allies and servants of Satan, thus postulated into existence by the brain of a monkish logician, whom history knows as witches." The Literature of Witchcraft, BURR.

      Witchcraft in its generic sense is as

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