YOUR MIND & HOW TO USE IT. William Walker Atkinson

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YOUR MIND & HOW TO USE IT - William Walker Atkinson

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       William Walker Atkinson


      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

       [email protected]

      2017 OK Publishing

      ISBN 978-80-7583-938-1

       CHAPTER I. What is the Mind?

       CHAPTER II. The Mechanism of Mental States

       CHAPTER III. The Great Nerve Centers

       CHAPTER IV. Conciousness

       CHAPTER V. Attention

       CHAPTER VI. Perception

       CHAPTER VII. Memory

       CHAPTER VIII. Memory (Continued)

       CHAPTER IX. Imagination

       CHAPTER X. The Feelings

       CHAPTER XI. The Emotions

       CHAPTER XII. The Instinctive Emotions

       CHAPTER XIII. The Passions

       CHAPTER XIV. The Social Emotions

       CHAPTER XV. The Religious Emotions

       CHAPTER XVI. The Æsthetic Emotions

       CHAPTER XVII. The Intellectual Emotions

       CHAPTER XVIII. The Role of the Emotions

       CHAPTER XIX. The Emotions and Happiness

       CHAPTER XX. The Intellect

       CHAPTER XXI. Conception

       CHAPTER XXII. Classes of Concepts

       CHAPTER XXIII. Judgments

       CHAPTER XXIV. Primary Laws of Thoughts

       CHAPTER XXV. Reasoning

       CHAPTER XXVI. Inductive Reasoning

       CHAPTER XXVII. Deductive Reasoning

       CHAPTER XXVIII. Fallacious Reasoning

       CHAPTER XXIX. The Will

       CHAPTER XXX. Will-Training

       CHAPTER XXXI. Will-Tonic


       What is the mind?

       Table of Contents

      PSYCHOLOGY is generally considered to be the science of mind, although more properly it is the science of mental states—thoughts, feelings, and acts of volition. It was formerly the custom of writers on the subject of psychology to begin by an attempt to define and describe the nature of mind, before proceeding to a consideration of the subject of the various mental spates and activities. But more recent authorities have rebelled against this demand, and have claimed that it is no more reasonable to hold that psychology should be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of mind than it is that physical science be held to an explanation of the ultimate nature of matter. The attempt to explain the ultimate nature of either is futile—no actual necessity exists for explanation in either case. Physics may explain the phenomena of matter, and psychology the phenomena of mind, without regard to the ultimate nature of the substance of either.

      The science of physics has progressed steadily during the past century, notwithstanding the fact that the theories regarding the ultimate nature of matter have been revolutionized during that period. The facts of the phenomena of matter remain, notwithstanding the change of theory regarding the nature of matter itself. Science demands and holds fast to facts, regarding theories as but working hypotheses at the best. Some one has said that "theories are but the bubbles with which the grown-up children of science amuse themselves." Science holds several well-supported, though opposing, theories regarding the nature of electricity, but the facts of the phenomena of electricity, and the application thereof, are agreed upon by the disputing theorists. And so it is with psychology; the facts regarding mental states are agreed upon, and methods of developing mental powers are effectively employed, without regard to whether mind is a product of the brain, or the brain merely an organ of the mind. The fact that the brain and nervous system are employed in the phenomena of thought is conceded by all, and that is all that is necessary for a basis for the science of psychology.

      Disputes regarding the ultimate nature of mind are now generally passed over to the philosophers and metaphysicians, while psychology devotes its entire attention to studying the laws of mental activities, and to discovering methods of mental development. Even philosophy is beginning to tire of the eternal "why" and is devoting its attention to the "how" phase of things. The pragmatic spirit has invaded the field of philosophy, expressing itself in the words of Prof. William James, who said: "Pragmatism is the attitude of looking away from first things, principles, categories, supposed necessities; and of looking forward toward last things, fruits, consequences, facts." Modern psychology is essentially pragmatic in its treatment of the subject of the mind. Leaving to metaphysics the old arguments and disputes regarding the ultimate nature

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