Business Networking Simplified. Les Garnas

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Business Networking Simplified - Les Garnas

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      Networking for Jobs

      Chapter 9

       An Interactive Book

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      more about why this book might be a useful

      networking tool for you.


      Also, scanning the symbol on each case study

      leads to Author commentary.





      Copyright ©2012 by Les Garnas

      Published by Edgemark Publishing, Haverford, Pennsylvania.

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise—except for citations of data for scholarly or reference purposes with full acknowledgment of title, edition and publisher and written notification to Edgemark Publishing prior to such use.

      Garnas, Les

      Business Networking Simplified (for the Internet Age)

      Les Garnas

      p. cm.

      ISBN 978-1-4675-3651-6 (pbk) : $12.95; ISBN 978-1-4675-3652-3 (ebk) : $9.99 1. Business networks. 2. Internet. 3. Businesspeople–Social networks–United States. 4. Success in Business–United States. I. Title

      HD69.S8G37 2012



      Design and Production: Richard Garnas

      Printed in the United States of America

      10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



      “Being generous with my time and connections helped my networking partners to succeed. These same networking partners helped me expand my organization worldwide.“

      –Jack Porter. Founder, Former Chairman, Porter Novelli.

      “I started my business with only one customer. Intense networking with my friends and acquaintances were greatly responsible for the rest.”

      – Ronald Greene. Founder, Former CEO, Devon Direct Marketing and Advertising

      “The final measure of my networking success rests with the number and quality of people I have had lunch and dinner with over the years. And in so doing, genuineness and listening skills have been key. Networking is a marathon not a sprint.”

      – Carole Aciman, Partner, Hodgson Russ

      “I have been a personal trainer for 22 years. Looking back, most of the people I have worked with were new to my acquaintance.”

      –Debbie De Dominic, Personal Trainer

      “Business-to-business networking is critical for accountants. My network is my most important source for building a sustaining practice.”

      –Catherine Ponist, CPA

      “I have been a general contractor for 26 years. The best advertising has been word-of-mouth through my networking partners—who are also some of my closest friends.”

      –Bob Cwenar, Cwenar’s Construction

      “In the healthcare arena, awareness is often critical to program success. By networking broadly inside and outside my organization, local programs grew into National awareness of important women’s issues.”

      –Carole Landis, LCSW, CPC

      “Getting important people to support a good cause only happens when your network helps create “buzz.” I couldn’t have succeeded without my networking partners.”

      –Barbara Shaab, Major Campaign Fundraiser


Chapter 1Networking and the Internet Age
Business-centered Networking
Business-centered Networking Websites
Chapter 2Deciding to Embrace Networking
Be Prepared
Be Specific
Follow Through
Keep Working at it
You’ve Been Networking
Cultivate Networking Partners
Interaction Styles: Women vs. Men
Chapter 3Shaping Your Networking Strategy
Identifying Your Networking Energy
The Laid-Back Networker
The Involved Networker
The Strategic Networker
The High-Energy Networker
Setting Goals
Matching Goals to Actions
Chapter 4Helping Professionals Use Time Well
Broaden Your Contact Base
Work vs. Networking with Laypeople
Build Awareness
Chapter 5Trust Changes Everything
Discover For Yourself How Trust Adds Value
Trust Has Impact
Experience Trust for Yourself
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