Selected Writings of César Vallejo. César Vallejo

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Selected Writings of César Vallejo - César Vallejo

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      Selected Writings of CÉSAR VALLEJO


       publication of this book is funded by the


       at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

       Selected Writings of


      Edited by JOSEPH MULLIGAN


      Middletown, Connecticut

      Wesleyan University Press

      Middletown, CT 06459

      © 2015 Wesleyan University Press

      All rights reserved

      Manufactured in the United States of America

      Designed by Richard Hendel

      Typeset in Arnhem by Tseng Information Systems, Inc.

      Wesleyan University Press is a member of the Green Press Initiative. The paper used in this book meets their minimum requirement for recycled paper.

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Vallejo, César, 1892–1938.

      [Works. Selections. English]

      Selected writings of César Vallejo / edited [and translated]

      by Joseph Mulligan.

      pages cm.—(Wesleyan poetry series)

      Includes bibliographical references and index.

      Summary: “Selected Writings of César Vallejo has all the best writing of a major Spanish modernist”—provided by publisher.

      ISBN 978-0-8195-7484-8 (cloth: alk. paper)—ISBN 978-0-8195-7525-8 (ebook)

      1. Vallejo, César, 1892–1938—Translations into English. I. Mulligan, Joseph W., 1981– editor, translator. II. Title.

      PQ8497.V35A2 2015

      861′.62—dc23 2014048342

      5 4 3 2 1

       publication of this book is funded by the


       at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving

      Front cover: César Vallejo in Nice, 1929, by an unknown photographer. Image courtesy of Gladys Flores Heredia. (Original image from the archive of the National Library of Peru.)


       Acknowledgments xv

       Introduction xvii

       Note on This Edition lxxiii

       List of Translators lxxvii

       BOOK ONE: 1915–1919

       From Romanticism in Castilian Poetry

       Introduction 3

       Critique of Romanticism 4

       From The Black Heralds

       The Black Heralds 16

       The Spider 16

       The Poet to His Lover 17

       Dregs 18

       The Black Cup 18

       Imperial Nostalgias 19

       Ebony Leaves 21

       Autochthonous Tercet 22

       Huaco 24

       Dead Idyll 24

       Agape 25

       The Voice in the Mirror 25

       Our Bread 26

       The Miserable Supper 27

       The Eternal Dice 28

       Distant Footsteps 28

       To My Brother Miguel 29

       Januneid 30

       Epexegesis 31

       Articles and Chronicles

       With Manuel González Prada 33

       With José María Eguren 35

       Abraham Valdelomar Has Died 37


       To Óscar Imaña, January 29, 1918 38

       To Óscar Imaña, August 2, 1918 40

       To Manuel Natividad Vallejo, December 2, 1918 41

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