Rewire Your Brain: The Power of Positive Thinking Books. Michelle Inc. Steven

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Rewire Your Brain: The Power of Positive Thinking Books - Michelle Inc. Steven

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      Rewire Your Brain: The Power of Positive Thinking Books

      Michelle Steven


      © 2012 Michelle Steven

      ISBN 9781456611583

      All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or in any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author, except where permitted by copyright law.

      Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of any copyrighted materials in any form. To do so is a violation of the author’s rights.

      Terms of Use

      Any information provided in this book is through the author’s interpretation. The author has done strenuous work to reassure the accuracy of this subject. If you wish you attempt any of the practices provided in this book, you are doing so with your own responsibility. The author will not be held accountable for any misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the information provided here.

      All information provided is done so with every effort to represent the subject, but does not guarantee that your life will change. The author shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect damages that result from reading this book.



      Thoughts Become Actions


      Unintentional Actions

      A Broad View

      How Events Influence Us

      Two Kinds of Thinking

      Contradictory Thinking

      The Process of Change

      Stay On Track

      Outward Changes


      A Healthy Connection

      Putting It All Together

      Kiss Your Worries Goodbye



      Humankind has always been fascinated by the power of the mind, and indeed the limits are most likely never to be known.

      A great deal of attention has been paid to the extent at which our brains can perform, and the untapped possibilities within. It is known; however that there is a direct connection between our thoughts and our actions.

      Without thinking, without the process of thought, where would we, as humans, be today? Our entire history, down to the very last detail has been because our thoughts evolved to solve problems.

      Clothing is a direct product of thought being put into action to solve a problem, the problem of being cold and of needing protection.

      Language developed out of the need to communicate; the idea of communication. Living quarters, evolved from the thought that something other than living in a cave was necessary. A problem was presented and thoughts became actions and humans evolved.

      What the mind perceives, the body will achieve. From living in caves to modern day, we are proof of the power of thinking. Everything used in our daily lives was the direct result of a single thought.

      It is common thinking that man is different from the animals because we use tools. However, without the ability to think of the tool, to think of creating it and of how it may be used, the tools would never have come about.

      As man progressed through the Stone Age, to the Bronze Age to the steam age and to modern times, it is a testament to the power of thinking when you see where we are from where we began.

      Without this ability to think, to take a thought, and turn it into a thing, we would be no more than animals.

      Our ability to think is not just apparent in the everyday objects that we encounter and use, it is in the music we listen to, the art that we view, the books we read, and the movies we watch.

      Man has the ability to have a thought and make it real. The creativity of the human brain has so far shown itself to be without measure or boundary. From a single note, the human brain will create a symphony; from a single block of marble, a statue that will be beloved throughout the ages.

      How is this important to how to stop thinking negative and trending our thoughts to the positive? Well, if you are thinking that this will not work then that is exactly the sort of thinking we are here to help you turn around!

      If the human brain can create order from chaos and complex civilizations and all that goes with it such as religion, political and social aspects, then why is it such a stretch to think that our very lives can benefit from how we think?

      Our mind is what powers us. It tells us to drink when we feel thirsty, it keeps our heart beating, and our lungs breathing, the mind controls the body.

      However, that does not mean that the body cannot control the mind. With practice, we can control our thoughts and by doing so, our actions. Positive thinking will result in positive actions.

      When you think negatively, your life tends to be negative. If you anticipate worry and stress, then you will get worry and stress. When you allow the negative thoughts to dictate your actions, you will have a negative reaction.

      So very simply, if you train yourself to think positive, your reactions will be positive. The mind/body connection is very strong.

      Thoughts Become Actions

      Nearly everything that we do is because of a thought, no matter how aware of it we are. A thought is the catalyst to all actions. There may only be a quick lapse of time between the thought and the action, but the thought always prefaces the action.

      Our mind is a thing, and motion, its action. The though is first, even if by a fraction of a millisecond. It is still first.

      To create a symphony, first a note must be put to paper, and then another and so on. The completed symphony can either then be accepted or changed. Either way, it is a thought process from start to finish.

      However, without musicians to read the music and to play, to give it life, it is nothing more than notes on a paper. The eye reads the note, the hand plays the instrument, and music is given life. All action is a direct result of a thought.

      Man creates machines but without them, they are just tools. A rake is useless unless we pick it up and use it. A car does nothing unless we drive it. A mind is a thing and we must use it! Do you see the connection? There is an interconnection of all things and how they relate and interact with each other.

      Let us look at the motion of walking. To life our leg the muscles must bunch and contract giving motion to the leg. The muscles of the leg only contracted because a nerve impulse to the muscle told that particular muscle to contract and move.

      Our brain sent the nerve impulse to the muscle. Our thought that we needed to move is what triggered our brain to send the nerve impulse that told the muscle to contract, which moved the leg. All actions of the body are done by thinking; we truly are powered by our thoughts.

      Often we must react to something outside of the mind, without giving it much thought. However, these reactions are still the product of thinking.

      For example, talking a walk in the park and seeing a football game not too far away, and then hearing somebody call out to “watch out”; you look up and put an arm up just in time to deflect the ball. You gave no conscious thought to the action yet your eye saw the ball coming towards you and told your brain to raise your arm. You had a split second to act and in that split second the thought to protect your face were there, the thought triggered the chain of events that raised your arm, protecting you.


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