The Triune Nature of God. Robert D. Cornwall

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The Triune Nature of God - Robert D. Cornwall

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      The Triune Nature of God:

      Conversations Regarding the Trinity by a Disciples of Christ Pastor/Theologian

      Topical Line Drives

      Volume 37

      Robert Cornwall, Ph.D.

      Energion Publications

      Gonzalez, Florida


      Copyright © 2019, Robert D. Cornwall

      All rights reserved.

      Scripture quotations are from New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

      Cover Design: Henry E. Neufeld

      Electronic Edition:

      ISBN: 978-1-63199-699-3


      ISBN: 978-1-63199-697-9

      Energion Publications

      PO Box 841

      Gonzalez, FL 32560

      [email protected]


      Traditionally, Christians have spoken of God in trinitarian terms. There is disagreement as to when this understanding of God emerged. The word Trinity is not found in Scripture, but one can find patterns that support a trinitarian vision of God in Scripture. A definitive statement concerning the Trinity emerged out of the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, though the Creed that churches use to confess a trinitarian understanding of God did not reach its final form until the Council of Constantinople met in 381 CE. While traditions confessing their faith using the Nicene Creed have expressed this faith in trinitarian terms, that does not mean everyone has had the same understanding of the Trinity. In fact, adherence to the belief that God is Trinity has ebbed and flowed, especially after the beginning of the Enlightenment. For some at least, this doctrine of the Trinity has been deemed illogical and irrational. To those who struggle with the Trinity, it might be better to affirm the oneness of God and embrace the humanity of Jesus. As for the Holy Spirit, well the Spirit has often been the subject of neglect. The Apostles’ Creed only expresses belief in the Holy Spirit, with no definition of terms. The Nicene Creed does go further, probably due to the influence of the Cappadocian Fathers. While the Nicene Creed gave official definition to a trinitarian understanding of God, using the Greek word homoousious to affirm that while Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three persons, they share one substance or one essence, not everyone fully embraced this understanding. A number of church leaders of that age preferred other terms, including homoiousious, which speaks of “like substance,” instead of homoousious. In the end, the majority of those church leaders who formed the homoiousious party affirmed the position espoused by the homoousious party. Thus, they also affirmed the form of the Creed that has come down to us.

      Constantinople did not end the debate over the triune nature of God— further discussion would ensue regarding the way in which the Christ was both divine and human, as well as fully understanding the nature of the Holy Spirit—but a foundation was laid upon which those conversations could be undertaken. The majority of the debates that followed would involve clarification of this doctrine, but there would not be any wholesale changes to the doctrine. Thus, from Constantinople forward the church in east and west confessed that God is at once three persons who share one substance or essence. As for the nature of this essence/substance, there might be differing opinions, but the affirmation has held into the twenty-first century.

      The debate over the triune nature of God has Christological roots. It is an expression of the church’s felt need to define Jesus’ relationship to God. If Jesus is the Son of God, what does that mean? For Christians who embrace the Nicene Creed, one can confess that the Christ is “the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father; through him all things were made.” Whether one completely understands this confession, one can go forth with the assumption that in some fashion Jesus is divine, while affirming monotheism. But, what if a person is not a creedal Christian? How might such a person understand the confession found in Mark 1:1 that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? This a key question that deserves our attention. In what way is Jesus the Son of God? Does this entail some sense of divinity? Or, is Jesus a human being who has been adopted by God the Father as God’s son? In addition, there is the question of the status of the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a person within the Godhead, or is the Spirit simply a way of designating Gods’ presence in the world, a mode of being? The Creed assumes that what applies to Christ applies to the Holy Spirit, “who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified.”

      The fourth-century church leaders and theologians whose reflections led to the formation of the creed may not have been in full agreement as to the meaning of the word homoousious, but they accepted it in the interest of unity (many preferred the term ­homoiousious, or “like substance”). With the Creed in place, a baseline for speaking of God was laid, though the question of Christ’s full divinity and full humanity remained unresolved, at least until Chalcedon in the mid-fifth-century. These creedal statements may not be perfect, but they served to create a foundation for further theological clarification. One might have questions about the meaning of the creed, but confessionally it helped set theological parameters for most Christians.

      With this booklet, which focuses on the doctrine of the Trinity, I hope to initiate a conversation concerning the Trinity both within my tradition as well as outside it. This effort emerged out of another project, in which I am seeking to provide a guide to theology for members of my tribe, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). I serve this tradition as a pastor, historian, and theologian (my Ph.D. is in historical theology). While the Disciples do not have an official creed, I am by confession a trinitarian Christian. That is, I am willing to affirm the definition of God found in the Nicene Creed, even if my understanding of the details might differ from others who make the same confession. At the same time, as a Disciple, I cannot and will not make the Creed or belief in the Trinity a test of fellowship. Since we are a non-creedal community, such a requirement would be difficult to implement, but it would also be a self-defeating effort. It will do nothing to convince non-trinitarians of the value of this long-held doctrine of the church.

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