The WID Factor. Patrick Kayrooz

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The WID Factor - Patrick Kayrooz

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      Patrick Kayrooz, MEd + Denise Daniels, PhD

      Live Your View of the World to Walk Your Path of Purpose

      Based on the principles of the Enneagram

      First published 2016 for Patrick Kayrooz and Denise Daniels by

      Longueville Media Pty Ltd

      PO Box 205

      Haberfield NSW 2045 Australia

       [email protected]

      Tel. +61 2 9362 8441

      Copyright © PaKay Pty Ltd 2016

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior permission in writing from the authors or copyright holders.

      The content and views expressed in this book are of a general nature and are not intended to provide specific advice in relation to individual people or their situations. Readers should always seek their own specific professional advice relating to their situation.

      For the National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry see

      ISBN 978-0-9954049-2-2 (ebook)

      vi How to use this book

      1 The Three Centers of Intelligence

      7 View of the World

      19 The Core Potency

      23 Gut Intelligence Core Potencies

      29 Heart Intelligence Core Potencies

      35 Head Intelligence Core Potencies

      45 Three Steps to Freedom

      53 Path of Purpose

      56 Gut Intelligence VOW

      59 Heart Intelligence VOW

      62 Head Intelligence VOW

      67 Notes

      70 Authors


      How to use this book

      This book is for anyone who wants to understand themselves and those around them better.

      The book is structured as a process to work though, which will enable you to understand, ‘Why I Do What I Do’.

      First, read about the centers of intelligence to identify your dominant intelligence.

      Second, review the centers of intelligence pyramid which reveals the three core potencies for that intelligence. One of these is your dominant core potency which is driven by your view of the world and explains ‘Why I Do What I Do’.

      Your view of the world drives the qualities of each core potency which are grouped under ‘my reacting self’ and ‘my responding self’. We contain all of these qualities within us at any given time.

      Finally, in the three steps to freedom you will learn how to respond more and react less. We then invite you, based on your core potency which is informed by your view of the world, to make a VOW to live your path of purpose in a practical, meaningful way.

      This book isn’t about changing your identity or that of anyone else. This book is about the process of personal transformation. It is about recognizing the qualities in both your reacting self and responding self, and acknowledging that these live side by side in all of us.

      The challenge

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