The E. Nesbit MEGAPACK ®: 26 Classic Novels and Stories. E. Nesbit

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The E. Nesbit MEGAPACK ®: 26 Classic Novels and Stories - E.  Nesbit

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but also with considerable speed. If the nurse should come in before he had made a door and got through it—come in and find him building again—she was quite capable of putting him to bed, where, of course, building is impossible. In a very little time there was a building. But how to get in. He was, alas, the wrong size. He stood helpless, and once more tears pricked and swelled behind his eyelids. One tear fell on his hand.

      “Tears are a strong magic,” Mr. Noah had said. And at the thought the tears stopped. Still there was a tear, the one on his hand. He rubbed it on the pillar of the porch.

      And instantly a queer tight thin feeling swept through him. He felt giddy and shut his eyes. His boots, ever sympathetic, shuffled on the carpet. Or was it the carpet? It was very thick and— He opened his eyes. His feet were once more on the long grass of the illimitable prairie. And in front of him towered the gigantic porch of a vast building and a domino path leading up to it.

      “Oh, I am so glad,” cried Philip among the grass. “I couldn’t have borne it if she’d been lost for ever, and all my fault.”

      The gigantic porch lowered frowningly above him. What would he find on the other side of it?

      “I don’t care. I’ve simply got to go,” he said, and stepped out bravely. “If I can’t be a hero I’ll try to behave like one.”

      And with that he stepped out, stumbling a little in the thick grass, and the dark shadow of the porch received him.

      * * * *

      “Bother the child,” said the nurse, coming into the drawing-room a little later; “if he hasn’t been at his precious building game again! I shall have to give him a lesson over this—I can see that. And I will too—a lesson he won’t forget in a hurry.”

      She went through the house, looking for the too bold builder that she might give him that lesson. Then she went through the garden, still on the same errand.

      Half an hour later she burst into the servants’ hall and threw herself into a chair.

      “I don’t care what happens now,” she said. “The house is bewitched, I think. I shall go the very minute I’ve had my dinner.”

      “What’s up now?” the cook came to the door to say.

      “Up?” said the nurse. “Oh, nothing’s up. What should there be? Everything’s all right and beautiful, and just as it should be, of course.”

      “Miss Lucy’s not found yet, of course, but that’s all, isn’t it?”

      “All? And enough too, I should have thought,” said the nurse. “But as it happens it’s not all. The boy’s lost now. Oh, I’m not joking. He’s lost I tell you, the same as the other one—and I’m off out of this by the two thirty-seven train, and I don’t care who knows it.”

      “Lor!” said the cook.

      * * * *

      Before starting for the two thirty-seven train the nurse went back to the drawing-room to destroy Philip’s new building, to restore to their proper places its books, candlesticks, vases, and chessmen.

      There we will leave her.



      When Philip walked up the domino path and under the vast arch into the darkness beyond, his heart felt strong with high resolve. His legs, however, felt weak; strangely weak, especially about the knees. The doorway was so enormous, that which lay beyond was so dark, and he himself so very, very small. As he passed under the little gateway which he had built of three dominoes with the little silver knight in armour on the top, he noticed that he was only as high as a domino, and you know how very little that is.

      Philip went along the domino path. He had to walk carefully, for to him the spots on the dominoes were quite deep hollows. But as they were black they were easy to see. He had made three arches, one beyond another, of two pairs of silver candlesticks with silver inkstands on the top of them. The third pair of silver candlesticks had a book on the top of them because there were no more inkstands. And when he had passed through the three silver arches, he stopped.

      Beyond lay a sort of velvety darkness with white gleams in it. And as his eyes became accustomed to the darkness, he saw that he was in a great hall of silver pillars, gigantic silver candlesticks they seemed to be, and they went in long vistas this way and that way and every way, like the hop-poles in a hop-field, so that whichever way you turned, a long pillared corridor lay in front of you.

      Philip had no idea which way he ought to go. It seemed most unlikely that he would find Lucy in a dark hall with silver pillars.

      “All the same,” he said, “it’s not so dark as it was, by long chalks.”

      It was not. The silver pillars had begun to give out a faint soft glow like the silver phosphorescence that lies in sea pools in summer time.

      “It’s lucky too,” he said, “because of the holes in the floor.”

      The holes were the spots on the dominoes with which the pillared hall was paved.

      “I wonder what part of the city where Lucy is I shall come out at?” Philip asked himself. But he need not have troubled. He did not come out at all. He walked on and on and on and on and on. He thought he was walking straight, but really he was turning first this way and then that, and then the other way among the avenues of silver pillars which all looked just alike.

      He was getting very tired, and he had been walking a long time, before he came to anything that was not silver pillars and velvet black under invisible roofs, and floor paved with dominoes laid very close together.

      “Oh, I am glad!” he said at last, when he saw the pavement narrow to a single line of dominoes just like the path he had come in by. There was an arch too, like the arch by which he had come in. And then he perceived in a shock of miserable surprise that it was, in fact, the same arch and the same domino path. He had come back, after all that walking, to the point from which he had started. It was most mortifying. So silly! Philip sat down on the edge of the domino path to rest and think.

      “Suppose I just walk out and don’t believe in magic any more?” he said to himself. “Helen says magic can only happen to people who believe in magic. So if I just walked out and didn’t believe as hard as ever I could, I should be my own right size again, and Lucy would be back, and there wouldn’t be any magic.”

      “Yes, but,” said that voice that always would come and join in whenever Philip was talking to himself, “suppose Lucy does believe it? Then it’ll all go on for her, whatever you believe, and she won’t be back. Besides, you know you’ve got to believe it, because it’s true.”

      “Oh, bother!” said Philip; “I’m tired. I don’t want to go on.”

      “You shouldn’t have deserted Lucy,” said the tiresome voice, “then you wouldn’t have had to go back to look for her.”

      “But I can’t find my way. How can I find my way?”

      “You know well enough. Fix your eyes on a far-off pillar and walk straight to it, and when you’re nearly there fix your eyes a little farther. You’re bound to come out somewhere.”

      “But I’m tired and it’s so lonely,” said Philip.

      “Lucy’s lonely too,” said the voice.

      “Drop it!” said Philip. And he got up and began to walk again. Also he took the advice of that worrying voice and fixed his eyes on a distant pillar.

      “But why should I bother?” he said; “this is a sort of dream.”

      “Even if it were a dream,” said the voice, “there are adventures in it. So you may as well be adventurous.”

      “Oh, all right,” said Philip, and on he went.

      And by walking very carefully and fixing his eyes a long way off, he did at last come right

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