Sean. Virginie T.

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Sean - Virginie T.

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Virginie T.


seanII de The Guardian Angels PackVirginie T

      Connor has finally sheltered Sevana, in the the pack territory . But a doubt assails him. What if her best friend, Ashley, guessed her fatel origins? The sparkling nurse could then be in big danger. It’s Sean who’s sent to investigate and none of the Guardian Angels could have guessed how far the lion will be taken.

SeanThe Guardian Angels PackVolume 2Virginie TTranslated by Feriel Benhamiche© 2020. T. VirginieLegal deposit: June 2020


      I have to get active. I welcome a new nurse today and have been designated to teach her everything. I guess there will have some work to make her fully operational. I have been warned that she is just twenty, so she is an inexperienced novice. She is the age I was when I started this job almost 10 years ago, and I remember very well the obstacles I had to overcome to survive. The days are not always easy to live in this profession.

      Damn, I'm a little late, Peter wanted to talk to me before I leave for work. He's the alpha of the Treat pack and my dad. Well, not really, but it's just like. I owe him a lot so when he summons me, whatever the reason, I obey without arguing, like everyone else. He wanted to tell me about the new recruit at the hospital. Like most packs, we have our own geek and Peter do researches about any new people who may come near me. It is painful, but I understand the reasons. He does it for me and Sam. He protects us and I can never thank him enough for his kindness towards us. Fortunately, our conversation was quick, as she is a simple human and therefore poses no danger to us.

      So I arrive with only 10 minutes of delay to the service and the new is already there, waiting quietly in the rest room for me to come and get her.

      – Hello. You are Sevana, right?

      – It's me. You must be the person I was told to wait here.

      – Absolutely. My name is Ashley. I will be your most regular colleague on this floor and I am in charge of training you on hospital habits. I prefer to warn you right away, I can be very direct. I say everything I think without a filter, good or bad. I hope you are not susceptible.

      – No problem. I prefer honesty to hypocrisy.

      – Perfect. So let's go. i'm going to brief you right away, that's how we learn best. Let's start with the first bedroom. I warn you, he's a child with broken bones and lots of bruises. A bad fall on the stairs. He's in a coma, but we're expecting that he will wake up soon. You must not be too sensitive in this job or you will not last long.

      – Okay. Don't worry about me. I am sure I can make myself useful.

      I like her. She is a volunteer even if she seems shy. I’m sure we’ll get along well over time. I let her read the child's constants while I take the temperature. I am surprised when I raise my head. Why is she holding the boy's hand? Compassion is good, pity no. If she lets herself be overcome by her emotions, she is screwed up.

      – You have to be strong, remember? I warned you.

      She immediately releases his hand with a start and swings from one foot to the other, uncomfortable. I may be too abrupt. It’s only her first day after all. I have been there too and I felt this sadness in front of some patients. We have to stay professional, but we are not insensitive either!

      – Do you want to get some fresh air?

      –No that's not it.

      I am not patient at all. Does she appreciate honesty?  Well, I like direct people.

      – Stop procrastinating. Spit it out.

      She hesitates for a few more seconds before nodding her head.

      – The father must be denied access to this room. He must not approach the boy.

      I frown at her incongruous request. I did not expect that. Why would we do that anyway? Parents obviously have access to their child's room without restriction.

      –For which reason?

      She seems more and more embarrassed. She flees my gaze, hesitant. It doesn't matter, I don't need to hear it to find out what's going on in her head. I open my mind in that moment when she decides to explain it to me.

      – I'm not sure he fell by himself. I suspect abuse.

      –Why ?

      She shrugs without adding anything.

      –It's just an impression.

      Hmm. Given what is going on in her head, I believe her. The picture of this poor child in a wheelchair, plastered and crying, suddenly pushed in the middle of traffic by his father are violent, and the man is quite recognizable. It looks like he wanted a car to overturn his son. Sevana arrived at the hospital just an hour earlier. It is impossible that she have seen him before. It looks like it's not just me who has secrets. Sevana, if she is clever, she will certainly not confide in me, a total stranger. But I doubt that she has the same protection as me. Peter told me that she lived with a couple of humans. The risks that I will be uncovered are minimal and would undoubtedly be a betrayal. The brunette in front of me probably thinks herself out of danger by posing as a normal human and working in a human hospital, but sometimes we have to treat metamorphs, Without forgetting the untimely visits of my adopted family. which overprotects me and invades my living space all the time. I can probably help her stay in the shadows and I am sure that she will indeed be able to be useful in this place. She has an incredible talent that I have not seen for far too long. She choosed the perfect profession for her. However, I prefer not to talk to Peter about it. My father can be very suspicious of what he does not understand and Sevana is undoubtedly a real riddle which he would like to question until she cracks. A fatel who appears in the hospital where I work as if by magic will unnecessarily panic the alpha. I would have felt it if she had bad intentions. However, she just wants to help her neighbor. For my part, I mostly found a friend with whom I probably have more in common than I would have dared imagine.



      I  wonder why Connor called everyone so early in the morning. I thought he would like to enjoy Sevana for at least a whole month before resuming our dawn training habits. It has only been a fortnight since he brought his partner back to his house. Note, we didn't see them much during these two weeks, apart from the official pack presentation. Would his desire for the pretty fatel have dried up? No, impossible. The last time I came across them, I had to run away so as not to see them jump on each other in the middle of the forest. Maybe he wants me to take the reins of the Gardian Angels for a while to take full advantage of his wife without having to manage the clan or the governor's missions. We haven't had a call since the Sevana affair, it won't be long before we are contacted for a new assignment. I would understand very well if Connor wanted to free up some time. He is the alpha and has dedicated his whole life to others since he was elected chief, but priorities change when you meet your soul mate and there is no reason why things should be different for him. Especially since Sevana is an exceptional person. She is the last fatel on Earth and has an immense power, out of the ordinary even, a magical power that I had never seen. Always this throbbing pain when thinking of the fatels and their cruel and useless end. I still miss my family so much despite the passage of time, even if the discovery of Sevana has eased my pain. These people did not completely disappear in the end. It gave me hope that others may have survived despite the plots of the dissident packs.

      – Is everything right Sean? I feel you agitated.

      Hmm, our alpha female, in addition of being very beautiful, and also very perceptive, it is the least one can say. Telepathy is not her main power, however. She can only communicate by thought and not read minds. But she is very observant and has a big heart.

      –Yes everything is fine. What is the reason of a convocation by the Great Manitou so early? He is afraid of you and requests the protection of his lieutenants against his own wife?

      Sevana has a very communicative

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