Start & Run a Tattoo and Body Piercing Studio. Kurtis Mueller
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Kurtis Mueller and Tanya Lee Howe
Self-Counsel Press
(a division of)
International Self-Counsel Press Ltd.
USA Canada
Copyright © 2012
International Self-Counsel Press
All rights reserved.
“You want to open a tattoo studio?” This was the question most people asked me with some level of bewilderment almost a decade ago when I was opening my first shop. I had management skills, and although I had received training as a piercer, I had no skill set as a tattoo artist, which was certainly not the norm in the industry at the time. To those who questioned me, I replied, “Times are changing.” I was determined to be the one to bring that change to the tattoo community.
Back when I opened my shop the industry resembled more of an elitist club than a business, as there were and still are minimal regulations in the United States and Canada. In the last ten years this has changed dramatically in regards to elitism. Now anyone from artists to entrepreneurs — even celebrities — are opening studios. I have seen many positive changes within the tattoo and piercing world during this period of time, such as some increased regulation of current sterilization procedures, upscale interiors, and a focus on customer service. Though body modification has been practiced throughout history by various cultures and civilizations, in the last decade it has become more widely accepted by mainstream North American society.
You can find tattoo motifs on virtually everything these days, from underclothes to home decor and even in toy stores, a move that is definably attributed to a shift in society’s perception of the industry. I once read a quote that stated, “Tattoos aren’t just for sailors, bikers, and prostitutes anymore.” The variation in clientele — everyone from professionals to grandmothers — definitely attests to the uniqueness of the various forms of body modification. Popular shows such as Inked, Miami Ink, LA Ink, and London Ink have all helped bring tattooing into the mainstream population. Regardless of the popularity, I believe as with starting any business a true interest for the work must be present — a reason beyond making a profit, or boosting the ego.
For me, opening my business was about the art, the people, and the belief that I could bring more to the industry because I looked at it from a business perspective while maintaining a respect for the art and culture of tattooing. It was my dream that the artistic value of tattoos and piercings be showcased in a positive environment for the artists and the clients. Though it is an industry that can be portrayed to have a quazi-rockstar persona for the artists and owners of shops, the reality behind each successful tattoo shop is a lot of long hours, hard work, and self-motivation to continually produce quality artwork and attract clients.
Part of the responsibility that artists in my studio have is educating their clientele about safe body art. Leading by example, I have taken on that responsibility as an owner to educate my community by teaching safe body art to high school groups and youth facilities. This came about from the health officials deciding they were going to add a safe body art component to a program they were running in high schools about risks.
The health board secretly sent around representatives to every tattoo and piercing studio in the city. They posed as clients and asked for a tour of our facility along with loads of questions. The next day the “customer” I had helped came back and told me that she was an administrator for the health board and they were inconspicuously “interviewing” all of the tattoo and piercing studios to see which one would be the best representative to teach safe body art. I was honored by the offer of being the chosen representative. It was because of our knowledge and commitment to providing the best experience possible that we were selected. Needless to say, for a fledgling business the opportunity provided a more positive image and reputation than any amount of advertising could have given us. It also verified that my concepts for creating a higher level of professionalism within the industry locally had paid off. This is, in part, why I believe there is always something new to learn within the industry, and researching new methods and executing them for the betterment of both my clients’ experience and my artists’ abilities has always been a priority for me as an owner. Because of this priority, I have included health-related information in this book to help keep our industry clean and safe.
With the tattoo industry gaining such notoriety you will be hard pressed to find a town or city that does not have at least one studio already operating, so you will have to make sure what you plan to offer is different and innovative. It is helpful to find your own niche, something not already offered by other studios in your area, and focus on it. Competition between studios can be fierce or friendly, depending on the location, so be prepared to have a thick skin. You will also find that keeping on top of the industry and new developments is an asset to this type of business, which will also be discussed in this book.
To enter into the tattoo and piercing industry, it is a necessity to be artistically talented or creative. It is not enough to think it would be a cool job because you have a few tattoos or piercings. To view a studio as only a business or, worse yet, as a status symbol, would be to operate at only half of its potential. I have seen a few shops open and close within six months because they employed that kind of mentality. A tattoo studio can be a very rewarding venture, but is certainly not for the faint of heart.
This industry has little to no franchises as of yet so there is still room for small businesses to operate. This fact allows more uniqueness between studios within the tattoo and piercing world.
Coming from a background in economic development, I knew my ideas could be highly profitable if I was willing to put in the effort to maintain a higher standard. There are many benefits to opening a tattoo and piercing studio and my experience in doing so has taught me many valuable lessons. The journey has not been without its own sets of trials and tribulations which at times have been very stressful. Some of the unexpected trials have entailed theft by employees, the stress of worrying if the staff is making enough money, and if they are happy with their jobs. There is a constant burden of wondering how the business is doing even when I am on a vacation or just at home for the evening, not to mention the balancing act of trying to keep artists adhering to a schedule and rules while allowing their creative talents to flow. However, the fulfillment I feel, knowing I have created a successful business, is a feeling that is hard to match.
By owning your own tattoo studio you will get to see your ideas and concepts come to life through hard work and determination, which is very rewarding. To be the one making all the decisions can be the most empowering or the most deflating experience.
The best parts of this industry are the people I have met, the artistic ideas that have transpired between the clients and the artists, and watching everything come to fruition. This industry’s acceptance and embracing of new ideas of body modification never ceases to amaze me. Being witness to the tears of joy when a memorial tattoo is finished or to see a group of people come out of the piercing room full of laughter and excitement is a true perk of the job.
There are also the comical moments. One of the most off-the-wall concepts that I have had the privilege to bear witness to was a urinal back piece, like the ones you find in a public men’s washroom, covering the entire back, complete with the urinal cake!
I would recommend that anyone thinking of opening a tattoo and piercing studio really understand the process of tattooing and piercing. It can be very involved and more demanding than one might think, and to not understand it could result in many problems.
Throughout this book we will discuss the various steps to opening, running, and maintaining