The Scoundrel. Lisa Plumley

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The Scoundrel - Lisa  Plumley

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      The mattress sagged. Sarah rolled over, a smile on her face.

      Daniel started in surprise, his heart pounding. He clutched the bed linens and stared back at her. His first thought was, She looks angelic. Which was daft. Then, What the hell is she doing here? He didn’t remember having gotten in bed with her last night, but that didn’t mean… Could he have sunk so low as to seduce Sarah?

      What was the matter with him? Of a certain, he was a scoundrel. But to have taken advantage of an innocent like Sarah? His friend?

      Hoping to figure things out, he risked a wary second glance at her. Yep. She gazed back at him as steadily and as trustfully as ever. Just as she had yesterday, when they’d…exchanged vows.

      All at once, Daniel’s wedding rushed back to him, complete with Sarah’s prettiness and that disturbing thing she’d said after he’d carried her inside the house.

      Now I believe we’re married.

      Praise for Lisa Plumley

      The Matchmaker

      “…will have readers laughing out loud throughout most of the book. This is another keeper by Lisa Plumley.”

      —A Romance Review

      “…filled with charming characters, a sassy love story and laugh-out-loud antics. THE MATCHMAKER, as creative and unique as Molly’s cinnamon buns, will satisfy your sweet tooth. It’s a winner.”

      —Old Book Barn Gazette

      The Drifter

      “A sweet Americana tale…this gentle love story will touch your heart!”

      —Romantic Times BOOKclub

      “In this charming tale of acceptance Ms Plumley has touched a universal chord. Sparked with whimsy and humor, this is a thoroughly enjoyable book!”


      “There’s a lot to like in THE DRIFTER. If you’ve missed those wonderful romances by LaVyrle Spencer, you might want to check it out!”

      —Romance Reader

      The Scoundrel

      Lisa Plumley

      In loving memory of Verna Plumley


      Chapter One

      Chapter Two

      Chapter Three

      Chapter Four

      Chapter Five

      Chapter Six

      Chapter Seven

      Chapter Eight

      Chapter Nine

      Chapter Ten

      Chapter Eleven

      Chapter Twelve

      Chapter Thirteen

      Chapter Fourteen

      Chapter Fifteen

      Chapter Sixteen

      Chapter Seventeen

      Chapter Eighteen

      Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter One

      August 1882

       Morrow Creek, northern Arizona Territory

       T here was only one thing Daniel McCabe didn’t understand about women—how a man could be expected to choose from among them. Beginning with the raven-haired ones and ending with the feisty ones, there was an endless variety of females for a man to sample. Settling down with just one seemed nigh unthinkable.

      Curling his fist ’round the pint of Levin’s ale on his table at Jack Murphy’s saloon, Daniel smiled at the rouged-and-powdered beauty before him. Her costume shimmered of fiery satin; her bosoms pushed at its neckline in a way that made him wonder about the architecture of corsets. To make so much of so…much, the garments had to be fashioned of something sturdier than mere muslin and whalebones. Something more akin to tiny versions of the sleigh runners he’d been shaping at his blacksmith’s shop before coming here today.

      The matter might require closer investigation, he reckoned. Much closer. How else to further his grasp of architecture and design? A man never knew when an intimate knowledge of such things might prove handy.

      With a wider grin, Daniel propped both booted feet on the nearest ladder-back chair. Who was he fooling? If there was one thing he understood, it was ladies’ undergarments. The corset or garter had yet to be designed that could defeat him. ’Twas a point of pride, much like his knack for forging steel and wielding a twenty-pound hammer.

      The snap of Jack Murphy’s bar towel pulled Daniel from his reverie. He glanced up to see the man scowling at him.

      “Yes, Rose’s charms are a sight to behold,” the barkeep said in his drawling brogue. “But I brought you here to get your opinion on building a stage in that corner, McCabe. Not to watch you beguile my dancing troupe.”

      “It’s unavoidable, Murphy. I can’t help it.”

      “Try harder.”

      “All right.” Reluctantly, Daniel spread his arms. “You heard him, ladies. I am not in the least charming, nor as irresistible as you might think. I am a serious man, with serious work to be done.”

      The women on either side of Daniel giggled, plainly disbelieving. They did not budge.

      Both were costumed as extravagantly as Rose. Both flirted just as boldly as she did. One laid her arm enticingly across his shoulders and pressed herself against him, her feathered headpiece tickling his nose. The other cooed over the fineness of his arms, honed by years of blacksmith’s labor. Each lady had promised him admission to her boardinghouse room later that evening, if he desired to receive “private dance instruction.”

      To be sure, a man could hardly help but develop an interest. In waltzing, of course.

      The lady to his right snuggled closer, not the least bit daunted by Daniel’s claims of seriousness. Their traveling ensemble had arrived in Morrow Creek two days past. They were set to perform at Jack Murphy’s saloon before moving west to San Francisco, if Murphy could construct a stage for them.

      The barkeep’s exasperated gaze signaled his interest in doing exactly that. The Irishman was new to the territory, and Daniel liked him. He decided to try a bit harder.

      “I warn you,” he told the troupe next. “I’m not a man for settling down. Neither am I a sweet talker, a fine dancer or even the least bit a dandy.” He nodded at his flannel shirt and rough-hewn canvas trousers. Although both were clean, they had seen hard use. “Stay away. You’d do well to cozy up to Murphy, instead. He’s a man of industry. Purpose. And coin.”

      “Coin?” Murphy scoffed. “I was, before your aces turned up last night.”

      “I never said I wasn’t lucky.”

      The barkeep rolled his eyes.

      “Only that you were a fine prospect for these ladies. Far finer than me.”

      The women turned contemplative gazes upon the Irishman. One fluttered her fan. Another fluttered her eyelashes. As a group, they returned their attention to Daniel, undeterred.

      Murphy snorted. He strode to the corner of the nearly empty saloon, his boots ringing across the scarred floorboards. With hands on hips, he surveyed the area where the makeshift stage was meant to be built.

      Daniel shrugged, his grin wide. “See?”

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