Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade. Max Brallier

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Last Kids on Earth and the Midnight Blade - Max Brallier

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      First published in the United States of America by Viking,

       an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC, 2015

      This edition published in 2020

       by Egmont Limited

      2 Minster Court, London EC3R 7BB

      Text copyright © 2019 Max Brallier

       Illustrations copyright © 2019 Douglas Holgate

      The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted.

      ISBN 978 0 7555 00048

      eBook ISBN 978 0 7555 00055

      A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library

      All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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      For Alyse.

      For Daniels.

      For Pupper.

      For Everything.

      – M. B.

      For the “MPW Lads.”

      Stay savage for all time.

      – D. H.




       Title Page



       Map of Wakefield

       chapter eight

       chapter nine

       chapter ten

       chapter eleven

       chapter twelve

       chapter thirteen

       chapter fourteen

       chapter fifteen

       chapter sixteen

       chapter seventeen

       chapter eighteen

       chapter nineteen

       chapter twenty

       chapter twenty-one

       chapter twenty-two

       chapter twenty-three

       chapter twenty-four

       chapter twenty-five

       chapter twenty-six

       chapter twenty-seven


       Back series promotional page

       Last Kids on Earth and the Skeleton Road

       About the Author

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      Well, it happened. After all that time, they got us.

      The zombies bit us.

      We turned. We transformed.

      Look at us – twisted undead faces, slumping undead posture.

      We’re zombies. Absolute zombies.

      Quint: zombie. Dirk: zombie. June: total, big-time zombie.

      Things are different now . . .

      Our adventures are a little slower: less darting around, more shambling. And our appetites have changed: less grilled donuts, more flesh burgers.

      Y’know what – let me catch you up. Fill you in. Explain HOW we joined the ranks of the undead.

      See, it’s been about a month since, uh, BIG STUFF HAPPENED. A month since we battled a new villain; a villain who was HUMAN . . .

      This villain’s name is EVIE SNARK, and like me, she’s a super-mega-geek. But unlike me, she’s OUT OF HER EVER-LOVING MIND . . .


      First, she stole my

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