Youth Urban Worlds. Julie-Anne Boudreau

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Youth Urban Worlds - Julie-Anne  Boudreau

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Series Page

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright Page

      5  List of Figures

      6  Series Editors’ Preface

      7  Preface References

      8  Introduction: Voices From Montreal: Introduction MAKE‐UP Space–Time–Affect: The Urban Logic of Political Action4 Acting Aesthetically: Political Gestures, Political Acts, and Political Action Youth Urban Worlds The Global Urban Political Moment of the 2010s: Youthfulness in Action Montreal in a World of Cities A Methodological Note The Organization of the Book

      9  Chapter 1: Montreal and the Urban Moment Montreal’s Politico‐Sensuous Feel Montreal’s Place in the Global Urban Cultures of the 1960s and 1970s Changing Relations to Time Changing Relations to Space Conclusion Notes

      10  Chapter 2: The Urban Political World of Racialized Youth Moving Through Saint‐Michel and Little Burgundy with an Epistemology of Blackness9 Being Moved: Representations and Affective Aesthetic Relations Racialization: Disembodied Profiling Entangled With Embodied Racist Encounters Conclusion

      11  Chapter 3: The Urban Political World of Student Strikers Becoming a Striker: Pregnant Moments ‘Breaking the Real’ Walking the City: Space During and After the Strike The Political Effects of Seduction and Provocation Conclusion

      12  Chapter 4: The Urban Political World of Urban Farmers Embodied Experiences of the Spatialities and Circulation of Food Commodities in the City The Urban Logic of Action of Urban Agriculture Practices Seduction and Attraction in the Garden Conclusion

      13  Chapter 5: The Urban Political World of ‘Risk‐Takers’ The Risk‐Management Context Urban Dancers and Diviners: Choreographic Power as Political Action Voluntary Risk‐Takers? Fear and Youth Politics11 Collective Edgework: Distributed Agency Through Provocation and Seduction Conclusion

      14  Conclusion Forms of Aesthetic Politics Influenced by Youthfulness and Contemporary Conditions of Urbanity Montreal in a World of Cities

      15  References

      16  Index

      17  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 3TABLE 3.1 Spatiotemporal reach of different modalities of power.

      List of Illustrations

      1 c00aFIGURE I.0 Map sketch by Joëlle Rondeau, based on ‘Map of Montreal sociologi...

      2 Chapter 0FIGURE I.1 ‘Saturno’, Francisco de Goya, 1823.FIGURE I.2 ‘Fuck toute’, Beaubien metro station, February 2016.

      3 Chapter 1FIGURE 1.1 Punk culture. In a demonstration against police brutality, a woma...FIGURE 1.2 Map depicting zones divided along the St Laurent Boulevard.FIGURE 1.3 “For a not so quiet revolution”: Recycling advertisement referrin...FIGURE 1.4 Issues 7 and 10 of Mainmise, used bookstore on Ontario Street, Ju...

      4 c02aFIGURE 2.0 ‘BBQ at the Plan Robert.’

      5 Chapter 2FIGURE 2.1 Plan Robert, Saint‐Michel neighbourhood.FIGURE 2.2 Mural rue des Seigneur, Little Burgundy neighbourhood, 17 May 201...FIGURE 2.3 Maria’s mental map.FIGURE 2.4 Tatiana’s mental map.FIGURE 2.5 Élisabeth’s online post.FIGURE 2.6 Élisabeth’s mental map.FIGURE 2.7 Giulio’s mental

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