Learn to Turn, 3rd Edition Revised & Expanded. Bradley Richardson

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Learn to Turn, 3rd Edition Revised & Expanded - Bradley Richardson

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Illustration Illustration

      © 2020 by Bradley Richardson and Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Inc., 903 Square Street, Mount Joy, PA 17552.

      Making Your Own Bush Knife is an original work, first published in 2020 by Fox Chapel Publishing Company, Inc. The patterns contained herein are copyrighted by the author. Readers may make copies of these patterns for personal use. The patterns themselves, however, are not to be duplicated for resale or distribution under any circumstances. Any such copying is a violation of copyright law.

      Print ISBN 978-1-4971-0012-1

      eISBN 978-1-6076-5731-6

      Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Richardson, Bradley, author.

      Title: Making your own bush knife : a beginner’s guide for the backyard

      knifemaker / Bradley Richardson.

      Description: Mount Joy, PA : Fox Chapel Publishing, 2019. | Includes index.

      | Summary: “”Instructs the reader on how to assemble the tools and

      materials to prepare for forging a knife out of steel. Gives tips on

      selecting steel, building forges, heating, tempering, quenching,

      annealing, sharpening, grinding, and the other processes associated with

      creating a fixed-blade knife”-- Provided by publisher.

      Identifiers: LCCN 2019033508 (print) | LCCN 2019033509 (ebook) | ISBN

      9781497100121 (paperback) | ISBN 9781607657316 (ebook)

      Subjects: LCSH: Knives--Design and construction--Handbooks, manuals, etc.

      Classification: LCC TS380 .R53 2019 (print) | LCC TS380 (ebook) | DDC


      LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019033508

      LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019033509

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       Chapter 1: The Steel


       Chapter 2: Designing & Profiling


       Chapter 3: The Cutting Edge


       Chapter 4: Preparing the Tang for a Handle


       Chapter 5: Hardening the Blade


       Chapter 6: Finishing the Blade


       Chapter 7: Choosing Handle Material


       Chapter 8: Attaching a Handle


       Chapter 9: Shaping the Handle


       Chapter 10: Proper Knife Care & Maintenance

       Knifemaking Terms

       Appendix: My Setup

       Photo Credits

       About the Author



      Damascus blade with a black walnut and cast turquoise handle. This handle also features mosaic pins.


      A drop point knife that features a high contrast handle made from maple and African blackwood.


      A blade that I made myself years ago. This one features a simple oak handle and a Scandinavian grind.


      This three-tone handle is made from African blackwood, cast turquoise, and desert ironwood. The blade is Damascus forged from 1084 and 15N20 steels.


      A larger camp knife that features a brass bolster in front of some desert ironwood. The pins are brass to go along with the bolster.



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