The New Builders. Seth Levine

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The New Builders - Seth Levine

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      “Across various chapters of my professional career, one of which as head of Investment and Innovation of the U.S. Small Business Administration, I've seen first hand the seismic changes our entrepreneurial economy is going through. The New Builders perfectly captures these important and interconnected trends – trends that many people fail to see.”

      —JAVIER SAADE, Former Associate Administrator, Chief of Investment and Innovation, U.S. Small Business Administration

      “As a woman entrepreneur in a field dominated by men, I know what it's like to have to work harder to be taken seriously and to win respect. Women have power, as these stories make clear. They don't need it lent to them. They need and deserve a fair shot – and we'll all benefit from giving them one.”

      —EVA SHOCKEY BRENT, Author, TV Personality, Bow Hunter, Conservationist

      “The New Builders is a masterpiece of investigation and insight. Joe Biden and everyone in his administration needs to read this book NOW! It is both an inspiring and troubling glimpse at the changing nature of entrepreneurship in America.”

      —DAVID SMICK, Global Macro Hedge Fund Strategist and NYT Bestselling Author

      “Pay attention to this book: Entrepreneurs may not look like you expect them to, but they're always at the forefront of where we need to go, next.”

      —JIM SHOCKEY – Naturalist, Outfitter, TV Producer and Host of Jim Shockey's Hunting Adventures and UNCHARTED on Outdoor Channel

      “Elizabeth MacBride and Seth Levine have done it again! Discerning fact from fiction and really getting to the heart of how the 21st century entrepreneur is thinking and responding in the ever‐evolving landscape of “innovation ecosystems” domestically and globally. This is a must read book for those intrigued or looking to better understand how entrepreneurs and small business owners will ultimately reinvigorate the American and Global economy in a post COVID‐19 landscape and channel the spirit of America's Founders whom were the original entrepreneurs that founded one of the greatest countries of modern history…”

      —G. NAGESH RAO, 2016 USA Eisenhower Fellow

      —BRAD FELD, Foundry Group partner, Techstars co‐founder, author of The Startup Community Way

      “We're about to experience a profoundly different and exciting economic future – one where community will matter more than ever. This book is an essential guide to what's ahead for anyone who cares about reinventing the American economy.”

      —ELAINE POFELDT, journalist and author, The Million‐Dollar, One‐Person Business

      “Entrepreneurs translate society's values into reality. The New Builders is a fascinating (and heartening) window onto the next generation of entrepreneurs and the products and services they're building in communities across the country.”

      —FELICE GORORDO, CEO of eMerge Americas, Miami

      “Thanks to Seth and Elizabeth for this clear, concrete roadmap on how to drive entrepreneurship and innovation in the U.S. economy. Their stories and messages show how the face of American entrepreneurship is changing and how entrepreneurs on Main Street are key to job growth and prosperity. I hope the new team in Washington checks out “New Builders” and follows many of its recommendations.”

      —AMBASSADOR JOHN HEFFERN (ret), Fellow, Georgetown University

      “Elizabeth and Seth have uncovered the power and unlimited creativity of the human brain personified by the new generation of creators helping a new ecosystem which will conquer this planet…Inspirational to all including governments and their leaders. It tells you how to take and give and shows how to embrace the philosophy of problem solving rather than complaining.”

      —ZAHI KHOURI, Palestinian/American entrepreneur and philanthropist

      —DANENE SORACE, Mayor of Lancaster, PA.

      “Journalists who write about the Arab region tended to cover stories of conflict, security, destitution and hardship. The region is so much more than that. Elizabeth decided to write a different narrative, about the opportunity and hope in entrepreneurs who are innovating and driving change. I would argue that many of those stories became known because of her tireless efforts. Now, she and Seth Levine have turned a similar, powerful lens on New Builders in the United States – I can't wait for these stories to be known, too.”

      —DINA SHERIF, Executive Director, MIT Legatum Center for Entrepreneurship & Development, and Partner, Disruptech

      “Leveling the playing field for all entrepreneurs is crucial to our country's economic future. The increasingly diverse and dynamic people starting businesses today are closing the opportunity gap and developing innovative products and services to address some of our most pressing problems. The New Builders brings their stories to life. It is critical reading for anyone who wants to understand the future of business in the United States.”

      —STEVE CASE, Chairman and CEO of Revolution, LLC, Co‐Founder of AOL, Founding Chair, Startup America Partnership

      Face to Face with the True Future of Business



      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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      Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit

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